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  • i cannot help but respond on the way you explain how "The Legend Of Zelda" renders it's sprites.

    it uses a old version of the knows spritesheet.

    it's build in one of N's own engines and they're always a bit different than most common engines.

    but technically what it does, is loading a grid of numbers:






    ^ in the above example: (which is a VERY tiny script to load to start with, every number represents a small image)

    1= grass



    games like Minecraft & Terraria both work in the same kind of way.

    but, with randomization added.

    the good part is:

    C2 is capable of these techniques! including randomization, physics, and constantly improving! (i love the way it updates without messing my projects up! (so far)

    now back to work!


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  • well...hi!

    i've been around for months, but i'm not really the forum-type of guy.

    just reading, and learning.

    that's my main goal in the way i live.

    therefore, i once started learning Photography, Film, Video Editing, graphic design, Programming, marketing, and, GameDesign.

    i've played Games since i was about 3 years old (or as long as i can remember for that matter)

    NES, Mario Bros 2. and it all started with some little secret area i just found.

    while i was innocently exploring this world, i heard my parents say something in the lines of: "what's this?" , or: "How the hell did he get here?!?"

    i realized that this. is not a movie.

    I discovered something, something that was unique, nobody else experienced it like this.

    hooked for life <3

    i currently own most consoles/handhelds from 1989-Present.

    my personal Jewels in this collection however, is the PS1 stuff.

    i'm slowly but sure going for 100 Playstations1's to own at the same time. currently on 9 PSX's & 2 PsOnes.

    Favorite Game of all time: FFIX - PSX

    Favorite Game-Series: The Legend Of Zelda

    sorry for this unusual way of saying "hello"

    that's just my way.

    i won't be active a lot, like mentioned earlier.

    i do plan on sharing whatever i created & How in the future.

    for now. Continue work on the C2 Project!

    ....C2 <3....

  • yes, but it would be an hell positioning every bit of wall that is sticking out,

    i think, the best way to create this is by having a ground layer,

    a walls layer, & top of the building-layer.

    the walls layer should squeeze between the other 2 layers when you move closer.

    all with some clever parallax usage, i think it's do-able. havn't done it yet however. i only calculated the options in my head :P (i've seen "Indiegame: the movie <3", i know i'm not alone! haha)

    i will get to a point in my own C2 creation where i need this exact concept like top-down GTA's do.

    will update on the parallax ideas.

    ...and i just noticed that this topic is old....

    nvm me :-)

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Member since 1 Feb, 2013

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