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  • > > > > looking sharp. it's using the q3d physics yah?

    > > >

    > > > Actually, No.

    > > > I found it a bit too unreliable so I'm using the good old C2 Solid behavior.

    > > > The cars' physics are actually just 2 2D images.

    > > > I'm trying a fake 2D jump & falling behavior as well which is the hardest part, I'd like the cars to jump & Fall. But i won't really need the behavior.

    > >

    > > heh me too :P my shooter uses the default C2 physics as well.


    > Haha yeah, as long as you don't jump, it's pretty straight-forward, Unlike most of Q3D :')


    > New Gif showing 2D Physics, 2 Cars, 8 Wheels:


    Amazing work , i am getting into q3d and also doing a car game , my question is how do you get the camera to turn as you turn the car ??? thanks! and again amazing work !


    I've posted what i use for my camera setup before (previous page?) Edit: page 137 instead.

    But basically a few things:

    Every tick:

    Set camera up vector to (Z) -9999

    Set cam position to: Car.x + CamScale * cos(CamRotation)

    Car.x + CamScale * sin(CamRotation)

    Car.Z + (Height variable)

    Set cam look towards: Car.x, Car.y, Car.Z(+Cam pitch)

    Replace car.x for a camera object that you can set to the car position every tick

    Camscale is a global variable which controls how far you can zoom in and out.

    Camrotation is another variable that tells the cam where it is around the car.

    Cam pitch variable controls looking up or down.

    I hope that answers the question :)

  • The first Robot Rumble was released for AirConsole in February 2017. It is available to play at the following URL. You will need a computer to host the game and a mobile device to use as a game controller:!play%3dcom.nerdislandstudios.robotrumble

    It supported up to eight player multiplayer.

    The Unity WheelCollider is a RigidBody with four downward-facing raycasts. If the ground is in range it applies custom forces to the RigidBody depending on which “wheels” are “touching”, the friction coefficient, the normal force, and the friction force. All of this would need to be recreated by you.

    A simpler version of this would be a hovercar that is always perfectly level and only uses a single raycast to get distance to the ground.

    Ohh i understand now.

    I'm practically doing the hovercar now, But without Q3D physics, just a hard snap to imagepoints (i find them very nice to work with and very reliable regardless of layer/layout scale etc) the game is fully dynamic in it's resolution so it helped quite a bit.

    I'll try the raycast for a fake physic system, Didn't play with them yet but using them for the Z gravity sounds promising!

    Btw. Chris' wheels 0:13

    is exactly the problem i meant, the wheels act wobbly (Friction on floor cause them to rotate sideways) with the Q3D "Physics point" connection to the car body,

    And well, in my case it's physics also acted weird when the car rotates in the air and lands on random wheels.

    That's why i went for the 2D approach :)

  • > > If you use the Q3DOimoPhysics behavior you will have gravity force on the Z axis.

    > But for multiple cars, 4 wheels per car, I can't rely on that many wheels (Plus Car Body's) to do the Physics calculations.

    > It costs too much and the physics acted too unreliable.

    Weird. We did up to 8 cars with four cylinders each for the wheels and it was pretty smooth for the original “Robot Rumble”. IIRC it ran fine on a 2017-era phone.

    You could also create a simple Unity-style wheel collider with 4 raycasts downward. You can tune the raycast to take as much CPU time as you can spare.

    hmm ok, I tried looking for video's but couldn't find any, Do you have a source?

    And with unreliable i meant that as soon as the cars landed after a jump, it would bounce out of the floor depending on how it landed. (The cars rotate slightly when jumping depending on key presses, like how in GTAV you can control the car mid-air)

    Sometimes it bounced ok, when it lands on all 4 wheels at once. other times it would just flip the car or bounce 10m in the air. this is the unreliable part.

    And the Q3D tutorial with the small square car had the wheels wobbly, especially when turning at high speed.

    But yeah as i said in another post, i don't really need the jumping behavior which is why i settled on the 2D physics, But it would be a nice feature to play with. Raycast you said? could you share some more details? :D

  • > > looking sharp. it's using the q3d physics yah?


    > Actually, No.

    > I found it a bit too unreliable so I'm using the good old C2 Solid behavior.

    > The cars' physics are actually just 2 2D images.

    > I'm trying a fake 2D jump & falling behavior as well which is the hardest part, I'd like the cars to jump & Fall. But i won't really need the behavior.

    heh me too :P my shooter uses the default C2 physics as well.

    Haha yeah, as long as you don't jump, it's pretty straight-forward, Unlike most of Q3D :')

    New Gif showing 2D Physics, 2 Cars, 8 Wheels:

  • If you use the Q3DOimoPhysics behavior you will have gravity force on the Z axis.

    I'm aware, thanks.

    I've tried it and it does it's job well depending on what you do.

    But for multiple cars, 4 wheels per car, I can't rely on that many wheels (Plus Car Body's) to do the Physics calculations.

    It costs too much and the physics acted too unreliable.

    See this sample:

    The wheels are now 100% locked to the Car Body in 2D. I may use the 3D plugin to fake a Z gravity, But i may al well use 2D (Y jump, X SPace) as well :)

  • looking sharp. it's using the q3d physics yah?

    Actually, No.

    I found it a bit too unreliable so I'm using the good old C2 Solid behavior.

    The cars' physics are actually just 2 2D images.

    I'm trying a fake 2D jump & falling behavior as well which is the hardest part, I'd like the cars to jump & Fall. But i won't really need the behavior.

  • A Quick update on my progress in the 3D Gamemode, soon to be added to DriftKing2D on Steam.

    If there are any questions regarding Q3D, please ask. :)

    I didn't find the time to write a proper tutorial yet, But a screenshot and comment i can do.

    I've also got Local Multiplayer (Splitscreen up and running right now!)

    May i suggest everyone to join my Discord channel:

    I made a channel specifically for Q3D in which i plan to Collect as much documentation as possible which should speed everyone's development up by a lot.

    So we can more easily collaborate, share some info with each other (Especially sample screenshots of ingame & code!)

    This plugin still has some serious potential, But there's pretty much no documentation available! Why waste hours in figuring out why somethign works the way it does when we can make a proper manual? -Also very useful for our own future uses!)

    Let's stop the endless trial&Errors once and for all shall we?

  • is it possible to repeat a texture over an object? I have a cube that I want to turn into ground. because the texture repeats I should not have to make the texture the size of the ground. i looked at the UV repeat function but it does not seem to cause the texture to repeat. just shrink

    To Repeat a Texture:

    (Might be a bit hard to see because of the brightness, Plus it's Work in progress) :)

    And here's most of my current camera system, Also work in progress But it's working :) Took a bit of time to get it right. Could not find good samples, screenshots or documentation online.. Even the manual that i found is totally incomplete :( So i plan to document some of my findings, Saves the next person a little trouble.

    -Camx, Camy, Camz, CamScale, CamRot, CamPitch Are global variables that the player or a script is able to control.

    Most importantly Cam Rotation, CamZ for the height, Campitch to look up & Down, And Camscale to zoom in and out. CamX & CamY mess with the cam Location and in turn mess with the cam rotation (Will start going in a egg shape and then go nuts if you crank it)

  • there might be hope for this plugin after all!

    Currently trying to ironically, implement a 3D mode to my game Driftking2D (available on Steam) and it's working pretty good so far! I had some hurdles to get over but i finally managed to fix the camera system!

  • Hey, i have a problem with clicking on objects as they're on on of the other layers behind the canvas, so their X & Y Coordinates are different.

    Is it possible to do "On touched object" right in the canvas? And how?

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  • sorry , your link did not work...and i did not understand why i should paste this code ? what is the reason...what happens without ??? thanks

    The link should work fine. (try copy pasting maybe?)

    I'd say, start it up without them :) see if everything works on your end (Still might happen for other users). And hit F11 for example.

    Some people experience "Black screens", or other problems.

    Each argument is described in the link.

  • thanks,.. my game is over 1 giga big.

    What is that for ? why shall I cange that code... can U please explain... iam not the smartest coder

    thanks man

    The game basically runs in a browser (Nw.exe is a wrapper around the browser).

    And normally, if you press F11 you get the dev console for example.

    These arguments fix these things as well as a few others.

    See the following page:

    I did not encounter every problem listed on the page, but adding these arguments also didn't hurt so far. nobody has reported a problem yet so i bet these arguments do exactly what they needed to do. :)

    You don't have to add everything listed there, that's up to you :) I'd save the things you add to a separate file so you can easily copy-paste the whole bottom bit like in my example :)

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