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  • Hi,

    In my game i POST a Dictionary.AsJson through AJAX that then gets saved on a mysql database. When i retrieve that data i have to set a separator in php to get the list in form of an array, the code line look like this :

    echo $rows['Name']. "|" . $rows['DictJson']. "|" . $rows['OtherData']. "|"

    We generally use "|" as separator but in this case that causes a problem because dictionary is saved like "a|b|c|X|y|Z" and when i use tokenat(AJAX.LastData, 1, "|") it doesn't give the right json as it detects a "|" in between dictionaryjson data.

    I used ">|<" instead of "|" to solve this but that also causes issue some times, so i wanna know if there is a better separator that will work with all kinds of data correctly?

  • This Worked but caused crashes in some devices.

    So is there any other way to do this?

    PS: Shouldn't there be an unload image action?

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  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Hi,

    You said you used donations, i wanna know what was the medium you used for it...

    Like just paypal or did you used more options?

  • Thanks! That worked.

  • There is an unsupported addon installed in my desktop version version of c3,

    It shows this error on startup

    But how do i start desktop version in older version on C3?

    And is there another way of uninstalling an addon?

  • Hi

    Thanks for posting this, I played football dash its simple and fun to play.

    I wanted to know some things too...

    1. Are rewarded videos earning better than banner ads?
    2. Did you used any 3rd party addons/plugins?
    3. I played Kunkong too, is it made in C3?

    Edit : Also do you use native ads plugin and admob or something else?

  • Buildfall is featured.

    Thanks everyone for helping me work out the permission issues.

  • Nepeo

    Thanks for confirming that!

    It was a problem in my code, as i eliminated the functions that were called on start of layout, i found one function that was causing the crash.

    It had an action to set image url of a sprite to blank ("" its known to be the smallest blank image) and then it calls another function to set the same sprite image to url from a dictionary value.

    In some devices it never crashes anything while in some it crashes sometimes. So i removed the action of setting blank image and that fixed the crash.

  • I think i was able to do what you said, Here is the file... please have a look.

    Edit : No need to check that, as i may have found and fixed the crash in next Beta Release. But Can you please confirm that issue no longer exists by testing it on your Pixel 2XL.

  • I don't know what is used for testing purpose also non of my friends using app have this problem but it crashes in my phone (nokia 6.1 plus) so don't have any clue of whats going on!

    I am trying to do a hit and trial by delaying some events of "at start of layout" and by loading graphics for "start layout" in "loader layout", will see if that works out.

    Also what files do you need to test it? If its just the abb file You can download the game here by joining the beta testing...

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  • Is there a possibility of solving it by loading graphics earlier on "loader layout" before it goes to "start layout"(where it crashes)?

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