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  • Was both your account and app set to G in admob before submitting your latest build?

    Normally the review team is helpful when you reply and ask what is needed to adjust. At least this is my experience.

    I had the content on admob set to G but it still got rejected and then removed due to multiple ads showing in a single banner.

    Issue: Violation of Families Policy Requirements

    Apps that contain elements that appeal to children must comply with all Families Policy Requirements. We found the following issue(s) with your app:

    Ads & Monetization: Ad format requirements​

    Only one ad placement can occur per page within your app.

    For example, your app cannot contain a banner ad with multiple offers.

    To resolve this issue, please remove any additional ads displaying on each page within your app before submitting an app update. For more details, you can refer to the Ad format requirements section on the Ads and Monetization policy page.

    I too dont think that it is a fault on construct side as the game was accepted before and only got rejected when the ad content showed multiple ads in a single banner like this :

    I have made several violations due to this now and so i had to go with opting out from the families programs policy, as there is a solid chance that the app would get rejected due to the same type of ads.

  • Thank you for adding these options,

    Currently i have submitted an update for my game without families policy, as soon as it gets approved i will publish an update using the new actions and will let you know how that goes.

  • Is it easy to add these options in advert plugin? can i expect them in next beta release?

  • I just use admob ads without any mediation, and i have chosen G Category for my ads.

  • I think i have found where the problem is... the game is under "families program", and the guidelines says this...

    Does c3 add this or is it something i have to do?

  • Hi Nepeo

    Its under families policy "Banner ads showing multiple offers"

    I believe Admob (by default) swaps to a new advert periodically if the banner is open a long time. I'm not sure why that would be default if it's not allowed on the Play Store though.

    Its true that ad gets refreshed and its allowed, whats not allowed is multiple offers within a single banner ad.

    My only other guess is that one of the adverts you are showing is against the T & C's, which would be rather frustrating.

    That's my guess too, but i am also constantly looking for my options to display ads in admob to find a setting that could may be disable such ads.


    When you get a violation you can always respond to it, and you will get further information from Google, what they claim is wrong and how it should be. You will have the respond link in the email you receive from them

    I have responded to the email, my game was rejected several times, i responded and they just send me typical guidelines and best practices.

    My app got reviewed again and again, many times violated the same policy and got removed temporarily, i updated again and by luck the banner may have shown a single ad a the time they reviewed my app and so it was approved, but then in next update the same violation happened.

  • Ashley i think the only possible bug could be advert plugin requesting ad multiple times (even if that is the case i don't know how it can lead to this problem)

    As i said earlier i posted the issue on admob forums and waiting for a solution there.

    i posted this issue here thinking that someone else might be facing it too (as i am seeing such ads in a lot of games now a days) and might share there experiences here.

    Kyatric sorry that i did not mentioned where ad is placed in screenshot.

    i didn't realized it could be so hard that one have to assume what a banner ad is. I cannot post this as a bug as the ad received is different every time (sometimes it shows a single ad)

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  • Bump! Any suggestions guesses at all? I posted this question on admob forums and they say "Check your codes and ensure the banner is only brought up once."

    But I have checked my code and it just uses three events of advert ie.

    Loader Layout : Create Banner ad

    Next Layout : Show Banner Ad

    On Layout End : Hide Banner Ad

  • Hi everyone,

    I have an issue of my app update being rejected due to a google play policy violation that says that my cannot contain a banner ad with multiple offers.

    Here is a screenshot of what it looks like ..

    But i have just implemented google ads with the c3 native advert plugin which is linked to my admob account with jo mediation so i don't understand how this is my fault?

    i am sharing this here because this has happened to me a couple of times now, my app even got removed due to this few days back and i am afraid of getting banned if i violate ads policy again.

    Could this be a bug on c3 end? If not please share your wisdom on how to solve this problem...

    Thank you

  • Thanks!

    I made it work by using text for base64 string and Json(that again sets automatically to longtext) for json string, and used |~| as separator and everything is working fine.

  • Also changing the format to JSON in mysql did not changed anything as the type remains "longtext" (i googled it and turns out longtext is alias to Json and before it was set to longtext too.

    I have no problem using standard "|" for separating values but that sometimes gives incorrect data due to dictionary being like |x|y| as i said before.

  • Sorry, i didn't realized i was using format "text" instead of "Json". Thanks for the info.

    Can you please tell me what format(data type) i should use for posting 'URLEncode(BinaryData.GetBase64)'string?

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