RBuster's Recent Forum Activity

  • I need to change canvas background color (black to grey). I tried to include "background-color: #666" into canvas tag but not worked. Any idea? Thanks

  • I read that the audio in the Music folder has priority, that's right? Then it would be appropriate to put the first audio in this folder and still use preload?

  • fire Totem Arena

    I've the same problem. Did you fix it?

  • Someone else?

  • I'll use a few images to represent the phonemes and if the audio and animation start together, everything will work out.

    My question is with respect to preload system. I want to know how to make it really effective.

  • I wonder what is the best way to sync pictures and audio (voice / mouths). I used a preload to load the initial audio and then an event "all preloads complete" to begin playing audio and animation. However, sometimes the animation starts before the audio. There is a more efficient way to get this synchronization? Thanks.

  • Hi Tekniko: What do you mean by: use 8 or 10 mouth frames "and relate them to vowels" used in each word?

    It would be great if there was a plugin that did this: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/artic ... mouth.html

  • Don't use a password. You want to build a list of members because the value of your games lies in the site membership. The formula is a simple one. The more members and active uses, the more google ad revenue and so on....

    Not really. Like I said, I intend to create an online portfolio to show the games only for companies and institutions. I just want that anyone have access to images and informations, but they will need a password to play the game.

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  • Thanks for the new tips. This way is really more practical. But the path will be visible and I don't want it. And about the password issue? Do you protect access to the games? I intend to create an online portfolio to show only for businesses. I don't want people to use the portfolio to play.

  • vancouver: You're the best! Perfect explanation! Thank you very much.

    Only one more question: What you do to protect the access to the game? Is it possible to use the feature of Wordpress itself? I'd rather just use a password instead of login + password. I found a plugin that only works this way: Restrict Content Pro

  • Hi Could you give me some tips on how to publish games into iframes in wordpress? Thanks

  • Hi sainsy

    I also want to publish games on Wordpress. Were you able to do something with iframes? If yes, could you give me some help on how to do this? I intend to use the "Restrict Content Pro" plugin to control access, do you know? Thanks.

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