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  • You have two options: Cocoon JS (more traditional) and Ejecta. Try both to see which the best result for your applications.

    CocoonJS: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/303/ho ... o-cocoonjs

    Ejecta: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/627/ho ... ith-ejecta

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/926/ej ... ow-for-ios

  • Hi n06rin,

    I think it's better to make the introduction in Construct2. You can make a slideshow with separate sprites and animations. I usually create animations in Illustrator and Photoshop. To finish, use fade effects using the behaviour to make the transitions. I think this way you have more control over the outcome and is a more flexible solution, because everything is resolved by code. Do something clean and fast, since the game is the main content.

    PS: Don't apologize for your English.

  • As i've seen, the main way to publish a game in mobile platforms is using Cocoonjs. When publishing a game in that platform, the game in the market appear like Cocoon is the owner of it? i cant find information about that, but they dont give any apk or ipa file to publish by yourself, no?

    fire Totem Arena,

    From what I know, you're still the owner of the application. The only thing that happens is that the Ludei includes a splashscreen with the logo.

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  • I'm using PatternGen plugin and I need to call 02 different patterns. This is my code:

    Event>On start layout

    Subevent> For "indexColors" from 1 to 7 >Action> PatternGen>>Set pattern str(loopindex)"indexColors")) with count to 1

    Subevent> For "indexLevels" from 1 to 10 >Action> PatternGen>>Set pattern str(loopindex)"indexLevelss")) with count to 1

    Usually I call the pattern in this way:

    Action> Set color to PatternGen.Pattern

    Now I need to know how to call two patterns separately: "indexColors" and "indexLevels".


  • Unfortunately, such an action doesn't exist. I've stated the lack of it on this topic (https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=146&t=104264) which criticize the lack of controlling some behavior parameters thru actions. I don't rate this need as high enough though, I doubt that Ashley will prioritize this any time soon.

    Surely not. Thanks anyway.

  • Hi henriquesv

    I tested this action and didn't work for me. If you can, please, use my CAPX to show your solution. Thanks.

  • Hi eli0s,

    So, what happens when the object touches the orange frame? It resets its position at the startx, starty coordinates?

    The object just can not cross the orange sprite and must continue to be dragged without release the mouse button.

    [quote:3vhrwoh3]Nevertheless, what you really need is a "Pick" action, as opposed to the "Drop" that the Drag&Drop behavior already has. That way you would drop the object every time it overlaps and pick it up again automatically if the mouse were still pressed.

    This solution seems to be interesting. Could you make an example using CAPX that I have shared?

    [quote:3vhrwoh3]To be honest, I can't think of something useful. The closest I got is without using the Drag&Drop behavior, with a simple "set position to" mouse.X, mouse.Y action (you can lerp it for smoother movement) and a boolean that becomes false when the object overlaps with the container and stops the "set position" action. The problem is that when it stops the overlapping and we re-enable the "set position", the result is a jagged movement as the object collides and re-collides constantly with the container. Also, if you sweep the object fast enough, you can even pass thru the container, since the 60fps aren't enough to check for the collisions.

    It's true. I tested it and didn't work.

  • Hi eli0s,

    I meant that the object needs to be dragged constantly, without crossing any obstacle, until reach the goal. For example, this simple CAPX that I shared, the goal is to bring the cup to the water without going through the bucket without being dropped before. From what I saw in your project, the object stops being dragged every time that touch the obstacle and I need to click again to drag it.

  • Hi

    It's similar, but In my case the object must continue to be dragged so I can take it to another place. In my project the object returns to the original place when I drop it.

  • How to make the object with Physics behaviour, stop at obstacles while being dragged (Drag and drop).


  • Would Lerp work in this case?

    lerp(a, b, x) (there is also unlerp)


    A = Starting Position (such as the X or Y of the object IE. object_name.Y)

    B = Position to Reach (such as object_name.Y + 50)

    X = Percentage or otherwise interpreted potentially as speed. (Ex. 0.3)

    LiteTween might also work -


    I personally haven't used LightTween. It looks nice though and I'll likely download it to try it out.

    Index: Simple and straightforward explanation. I had great difficulty understanding Lerp. Many thanks.

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