RBuster's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi I know Edge but I found this program a bit limited. I would like to be able to program or use events like the C2.I think if the C2 have a timeline, could use it as a Flash to create HTML5 presentation with games.

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  • I wonder if the Construct 2 is the best program for creating interactive presentations on HTML5 as presentations produced in Flash. I believe so, but would like to hear another opinion or suggestion. What is lacking, especially for creating presentations is a timeline.

  • Any help?

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  • Hi LittleStain

    Thanks for the suggestion. I understand that is possible, but I need some help to implement it. Could you help me with a pseudocode?

    Thanks anyway.

  • I need to create a simple animation, moving a sprite while it decreases in size from 300 to 200 pixels. I am using the moveto plugin to make the movement and I do not know how to reduce sprite gradually, simultaneously. Could anyone give me a hand? Thanks.

  • alextro

    Thank you. You redid the whole project in a very different way. It seems more professional. I will study your script while compare with mine. Thanks for your time as well as the effort to help me.

  • ramones

    Very clever and simple solution. Many thanks for save my day.

  • alextro

    I'm starting to think the way I used is more complicated. I thought it would be more practical to work with a single sprite and several frames instead of multiple sprites in a family. Although the distribution of instances it's okay, to check the positions is very difficult. I say this because I see that even you are having difficulties and also because I did not receive any other help or suggestion on this topic. I'd better review everything I did, isn't?

  • Hi The sprite can be spawned freely as I did in the example.

  • Thanks, I'll be grateful

  • alextro

    First of all, thank you very much for trying to help me. I appreciated the example that you did, but unfortunately it is different than what I need or I did not understand your suggestion. Maybe it's my fault for having explained wrong (language barriers). I am attaching an example of my project. Note that the sprites are distributed across the screen, according to the already pre determined location. The player can click on two sprites to swap them. When sprites with the first four frames (0/3/1/2 - need not be in order) are in the first line, the next four frames (5/7/6/4 or another combination of this frames) are in the second line, and so on, the player wins.

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