I'm going to introduce myself too <_<
My name is Patrick. I am a middle aged web developer in the US. I like javascript, drupal, and long walks on the beach. I have had many failed game and business attempts in the past and I'm hoping C2 helps me break through that. I think I'd be happy if I sold 10 copies of a piece of software that wasn't written during work hours.
I have posted all over the forum. I'm not a lunatic, I just post too much. Hobby/home projects can be difficult when you work all day, so I come here to keep my eyes on the prize of finishing it. If I start to lose interest, with no current profit motive, it will die like my projects past.
My site is down currently, but eventually it will be redone: http://patrickavella.com
My twitter handle is —
My soon to be DBA name will be http://roastbeastgames.com
My soon to be game will be http://surolace.com
My old facebook page (dead, i hate facebook) is http://facebook.com/patrick-avella-blog