iOS Intel XDK experiences

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  • Hi IntelRobert

    As you suggest...

    I'm having trouble to generate a iOS app. I followed all the instructions in the tutorial ( ... binary_ios) and all builds steps are correct. However, when I click in "Build" to generate the app, after a few minutes, warns that gave error in the process. When I go to check the problem, I see that provisioning profile is missing. I upload the file again and build. The error happens again and when I check it, the provisioning profile is missing ...

    This is a problem on the server or with the provisioning profile?


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  • The problem with the provision file was resolved. I had to put the file in the same directory where the project files (source). But the problem continues. I still can not generate the application.

    Hi JuniiZ

    Sorry, but I don't use Skype.

  • Okay. intel XDK builded the file. For this, I was need to recreate the certificate/provision profile, reduced the size of my apple ID and include all files in the source folder files. The problem now is to upload the file with the "Application Loader". The program does not recognize the generated file, which incidentally has no extension (I only can see the extension through file properties window).

  • I built another file in Intel XDK file and this time it worked. However, two error messages appears when I try to import the app to Application Loader. Image attached. Any clue?

  • RenatoB

    Maybe a stupid question but...So, I don't need a Mac if I use IntelXDK to build? Just need a IOs developer account?

  • alemar

    You'll need to use Application Loader or Xcode to upload your apps to iTunes Connect. Both are Mac programs.

  • [quote:2mx4jlpv]@Alemar

    You'll need to use Application Loader or Xcode to upload your apps to iTunes Connect. Both are Mac programs.


    But do you need any Mac program to actually build the App? Or only to upload it to the Store?

  • RenatoB

    Ok , understood.

    And did you got the IntelXDK built work ? About that message errors, you fixed? Performance is ok?

  • clockworkmonster: No. Just to upload because I use the Intel XDK for build the app. If you choose Ejecta, you'll need to use XCode do edit the file and Xcode is a Mac Program.

    alemar: Finally worked, but it was very complicated. To solve the last problem I had to include an icon with 57 pixels in the internal list of assets that appears when you will build the app. All the other icons were included in the Intel XDK home screen.

  • RenatoB

    How did you made the IntelXDK built? Exporting directly to HTML5?

    Is performance ok?

    Have you tried the Admob plugin? Works on Android, and if it also works on IOS it will be awesome...

    Thanks for your help!!!

  • clockworkmonster

    Sorry for delay. Something is wrong with my app and I'm trying to get support with Intel XDK team. I can't open the app in the iPhone and, in the emulator of intel xdk, occurs something wrong with the game and I don't know why.

    All apps that I builded for Android using the Intel XDK works very well, including the apks with admob.

    Once I get an answer from support and fix what is wrong, I will return to put my final impression on my experience with intel XDK for iOS.

  • RenatoB

    Could you give a fast list of the steps you are following? A friend of me is going to lend me a Mac for the next week and I would like to test too.

  • clockworkmonster

    Sure. I intend to create a walkthrough or tutorial. I just want to fix the problem before and maybe add something more if needed.

  • RenatoB

    Thanks! I am eager to read that tutorial!

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