I tried many, many times, but I'm still unable to build successfully an iOS app using Intel XDK. All the signing process seem to be correct, I added the provisioning file and stuff, and when building the app here is what I get :
The build failed.
An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again.
Building a Cordova 3.5 application.
The application name is "Healer Quest"
The package name is "----------------------"
Will use the provisioning profile for "adhoc"
Plugin "Device" (org.apache.cordova.device) installed.
Plugin "SplashScreen" (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen) installed.
Plugin "AdMob Plugin" installed.
Plugin "https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.iap#430---------------------46c1" installed.
Plugin "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" installed.
Targeting iOS version 7.
Copied HQ_icon6_76.png (76x76) image file to icon-76
Copied HQ_icon6_152.png (152x152) image file to icon-76mfj@2
Copied HQ_icon6_60.png (60x60) image file to icon-60
Copied HQ_icon6_120.png (120x120) image file to icon-60mfj@2x
Copied HQ_icon6_180.png (180x180) image file to icon-60mfj@3x
Copied the iPhone 6 Landscape [rablo_games_logo1334.jpg] (1334w x 750h) splash screen to Default-Landscape-667hmfj@2x.
Copied the iPhone 6 Plus Landscape [rablo_games_logo2208.jpg] (2208w x 1242h) splash screen to Default-Landscape-736hvyo@3x.
Copied the iPad Retina Landscape [rablo_games_logo1496.jpg] (2048w x 1496h) splash screen to Default-Landscapevyo@2x~ipad.
Copied the iPad Landscape [rablo_games_logo1024.jpg] (1024w x 748h) splash screen to Default-Landscape~ipad.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPad Retina portrait (1536w x2008h). The default will be provided.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPad portrait (768w x1004h). The default will be provided.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone Retina (640w x960h). The default will be provided.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 6 Plus Portrait (1242w x2208h).
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone (320w x480h). The default will be provided.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 5 (640w x1136h). The default will be provided.
Warning: No splash screen supplied for iPhone 6 Portrait (750w x1334h).
An unexpected error occured while attempting to build the application.
The only errors seem to be the missing splash screens for portrait mode, but I actually added these splashscreen ! (despite my game being played in landscape only)
Am I missing something?