Jetta88's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is still a great piece of UI to use in my games! Thanks again!

  • I think I might give this a try.

    At least Clickteam has native mobile exporting options for their software which Construct 2 lacks.

  • Hey, so what's the update on this? I'm highly interested in this.

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  • Just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention:

    I guess Flippa really wants to ensure we're selling serious quality apps now.

    Yeah I saw that the other day. Technically, you can still sell your apps, but the strategy now is to keep your app for months before selling, so that way you can acquire some downloads and generating some ad revenue. I don't have time for that, so I guess I will be going back to developing apps for myself and getting some type of ad revenue that way. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green"> My next move with Flippa will be to reskin starter websites since the fee is lower... $9..

    Good while it lasted though, lol. Made nearly $9k from reskinning. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green"> Wish I would of found Flippa earlier.

  • Estefano - Alright, I'll contact you this weekend. I've been extra busy and will organize things for my reskinners this weekend.

  • >

    > >

    > >

    > > Hello,

    > >

    > > Nice plugin, but that should of been something that you should been implemented before selling this plugin. Being able to add custom variables to the database is a MUST! So once you update to include that, then I'll buy this.

    > >


    > I don't think that is a MUST . This is a plugin for login system , not MySQl table creator .

    > You can create your custom tables and variables with some PHP code . It's not too hard !


    It is not too hard, but having a plugin that could do this for you would be a reason to buy this for sure!

    Exactly.. I don't want to spend my time creating tables and variables..

  • > Hey, I really like your plugin and Im probably going to buy it.


    > But I have one suggestion:

    > As addition to the leaderboards, users can have stats (for example: what level they are, or how much money they have).



    That's some good ideas, i'll look into it when i get time, got some other plans for the plugin too.




    Nice plugin, but that should of been something that you should been implemented before selling this plugin. Being able to add custom variables to the database is a MUST! So once you update to include that, then I'll buy this.

  • Yeah, I saw your PM.. I'll reply back to you.

  • I'm on Flippa doing a reskinning business. You can check out my profile by going to the link below. I've done over 300 transactions of Flippa with near perfect reputation.

    I'm looking for C2 devs that's know a thing or two about reskinning in C2, basically changing graphics out to make a new game using the same game core. I will supply the .capx files that I need reskins and I'll pay 70% of the Flippa sale to you. You can make as many reskins as you want with the .capx games that I supply you.

    For example,

    So if the auction closing sale is $69 for the rehashed product, then you will receive $42 after Flippa/Paypal fees and I take a 30% marketing cut. Payment will be sent directly from Paypal.

    If interested and need more information, please send me a PM. This is a great way to make some cash on the side.

  • Parse now requires you to setup your own Parse backend server since they went out of business. It's almost not worth the bother anymore and just make your own basic login via MySQL.

  • $84-$99 a month or $2,675 one time for a design tool just to make mobile games. I'll pass.... I'll use Stencyl before I use Buildbox... I You better hope that you get your money back from ad revenue/iAP sales, etc...

    Yes, C2 isn't made for mobile games and it's been like that for several years now.

  • Cranberry made changes which kinda of broken things, because this plugin was working before he mentioned that he was going to "update" the plugin this past weekend, so I guess I'll be using the plugins Josek posted here.

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Member since 6 Oct, 2012

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