Ultimate Login System (Plugins)

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The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Can you add the time like TimeAway Rex plugin . It's mean that , get or record time on our host and, server record login time and exit time to each player to calculation away time ?


    Yes sure, i'll write it down, and add it when the time comes



  • > Can you add the time like TimeAway Rex plugin . It's mean that , get or record time on our host and, server record login time and exit time to each player to calculation away time ?



    Yes sure, i'll write it down, and add it when the time comes



    Thanks bro when you do this ? I need it very much

  • >

    > > Can you add the time like TimeAway Rex plugin . It's mean that , get or record time on our host and, server record login time and exit time to each player to calculation away time ?

    > >


    > Hello


    > Yes sure, i'll write it down, and add it when the time comes


    > -Support

    > Acey


    Thanks bro when you do this ? I need it very much

    Hi again

    Well since you said you haven't brought it yet, i will take some other suggestions into consideration before yours, sorry.

    But for now, i guess it will take a bit of time, since i don't know how the Time plugin works. And i have some other upgrades that maybe could be used before this is actually implemented.

    Like saving custom variables on a User, would let you handle the time with the plugin, and then just save the time in a custom variable.



  • I am iranian and for buy we need try hard becuase our country is banned

    Tomorrow i bought it

  • > Can you add the time like TimeAway Rex plugin . It's mean that , get or record time on our host and, server record login time and exit time to each player to calculation away time ?



    Yes sure, i'll write it down, and add it when the time comes



    Hi Acey, i brought it and i really need this , please resolve this problam, thanks so mutch

  • Hello , I bought a plug-in , you can tell me how to install on a server?

  • >

    > > Can you add the time like TimeAway Rex plugin . It's mean that , get or record time on our host and, server record login time and exit time to each player to calculation away time ?

    > >


    > Hello


    > Yes sure, i'll write it down, and add it when the time comes


    > -Support

    > Acey


    Hi Acey, i brought it and i really need this , please resolve this problam, thanks so mutch


    Okay, since 2 suggested this, I'll look into it next



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  • Hello , I bought a plug-in , you can tell me how to install on a server?


    I guess you were the one who wrote on email, so just look my answer and we take it from there.



  • Would it be possible to create a Facebook login with this? That would be AWESOME

  • Would it be possible to create a Facebook login with this? That would be AWESOME

    Not for now without you having experience in setting Facebook login up on your own. But maybe at a later time

  • Hi , Acey .

    when do you let us buy & download the new version?

  • Hi , Acey .

    when do you let us buy & download the new version?


    Well i'm working hard on many projects at the moment, but it's on its way, and is about 80% done.

    Sorry for the waiting time, but added some more features while i worked on it, so it's a nice update



  • > Hey, I really like your plugin and Im probably going to buy it.


    > But I have one suggestion:

    > As addition to the leaderboards, users can have stats (for example: what level they are, or how much money they have).



    That's some good ideas, i'll look into it when i get time, got some other plans for the plugin too.




    Nice plugin, but that should of been something that you should been implemented before selling this plugin. Being able to add custom variables to the database is a MUST! So once you update to include that, then I'll buy this.

  • Hello,

    Nice plugin, but that should of been something that you should been implemented before selling this plugin. Being able to add custom variables to the database is a MUST! So once you update to include that, then I'll buy this.

    I don't think that is a MUST . This is a plugin for login system , not MySQl table creator .

    You can create your custom tables and variables with some PHP code . It's not too hard !

  • >


    > Hello,


    > Nice plugin, but that should of been something that you should been implemented before selling this plugin. Being able to add custom variables to the database is a MUST! So once you update to include that, then I'll buy this.


    I don't think that is a MUST . This is a plugin for login system , not MySQl table creator .

    You can create your custom tables and variables with some PHP code . It's not too hard !

    It is not too hard, but having a plugin that could do this for you would be a reason to buy this for sure!

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