> You can.....
> But do it on a different IP.
> For example, go to a local Starbucks, connect to their wifi and only click the ad once. You will get paid for it after a few hours. They won't suspend your account, if you click it once.
I assume I will need different IP's so they don't catch me up for playing it myself, how would that be if the game would become popular and lots of people play it over the same ip (Like school WIFI ect..)
Or like I release it and my parents test it at their home, and then when I visit them, my account would get suspended (Because I connect to their wifi when I visit them)
Well there's other factors in play too. Like device Mac Addresses, etc. But like I said, don't make it obvious to constantly click on ads, but all that will do is trigger Google. It's ok to test once with live ads and they won't suspend your account.
Anyway, after you test with a Test Ad anyway, the live ads will work 99% of the time after you turn it on.