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  • Amazing, thank you!

  • Hey!

    I can't seem to access the files from the link. It keeps loading, but does not show me any options. On "release tag" there is no data available.

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  • the normal way to handle this is to put the player in a family. then check for when the player collides with the family. The player object will be the one that caused the collision and the family object will be the one collided with.

    Thanks, that sounds interesting, didn't know about that. Does the family really only refer to the collision, even though the player is also in the family?

    And what when you want to make PlayerFamily collide with PlayerFamily? Or do you even need that?

  • Hey!

    I am using for Construct 2 for quite some time now, but I never got this issue solved.

    When I have 2 players colliding, both sharing the same sprite, how do I know which one I am referring to?

    E.g. "Player on collision with Player", is there any way without having to check for a variable every time?

    In Unity you have Player and then you have the "collision" GameObject. So when you and the other player collide, "collision" always refers to the other, while in C2 you can not do that for what I know.

    Sure you can do something like: "If ID == 1" then do smth, but is there any other way to refer to a certain instance of the collision?


  • Hey, I have a small question considering preventing/working around delays and hitting bullets etc.

    Currently, my project works as following:

    1. Player 1 shoots on his game version, sending P2 an event with the shoot command.
    2. Player 2 then receives that shoot command and makes Player 1 also shoot on his version.

    The problem currently is, that due to delay or ping issues, it often happens that you hit your enemy on your screen, but it won't hit the enemy on his version.

    Is there any workaround for that that won't break the game-flow too much?

  • dupuqub

    Yeah, OR stops after the first is TRUE, but that also means that it will still run if both are TRUE, or am I wrong? Since it technically just ignores the second one.

    I provisionally solved it by having multiple events without OR. Maybe it's a bug with Functions?

    If I would just reverse the query and make it an AND operator, and then put my code on ELSE, would it work the same way?

  • dupuqub

    I think you didn't understand the problem. I want the event to run if at least one of them is TRUE (just as you said).

    My problem is, that even though the first operator is TRUE, the function is NOT run. When I only check if the first is true without OR, it works perfectly fine.

  • Hey

    I have a problem considering the "or" condition. As far as I know, "or" works this way:

    If first is true OR if second is true OR if both are true, the following code is ran.

    In my picture below, the variable "Online" is set to "0" in both cases, and the function.param is set to "False", but why isn't the the second version with the "or" condition working?

    Shouldn't it work if either of the 2 are true, and since "Online = 0" is true, it should work. Did I misunderstand anything?


  • Ashley

    Nice to know, maybe I will swap to Construct 3 someday. Do you know a good work around for saving the function.param in construct 2 after a "wait"?

    I need the function to be adaptive and be called quite frequently, so I can't just save it in a variable or an array I guess...

  • newt

    Ugh, that explains a lot. And that's pretty unpractical... Guess I'll need to find a work around for that.

    Thank you!

  • Hello,

    I'm currently out of nerves for thise one... After testing this out the whole day today, I finally managed to find the problem, but I have no clue why it even happens in the first place.

    I have a function, where I set a value based on a param, then wait, and then set that value again to something different.

    Weird thing is, that the function.param is changing... Isn't that completely impossible?

    Here is an image of the event:

    The first DebugText shows me "1", the second shows me "0". How on earth is that possible? It's not even possible to change function parameters. And even if that function would be called again, it should NOT influence this!

    Do you have any clue about it?


  • Hello!

    I have one hitbox object that has the variable "player", which is either 1 or 2, based on the player.

    When I now have an event like:

    On "hitbox" collision with "hitbox", how can I tell construct 2 which hitbox is the first and which one the second?

    I thought about having an event before like:

    If hitbox.player == 1 -> collision event.

    But then, how can I tell construct 2 which hitbox is meant in following events?

    Thanks in advance!

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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