Ninjadoodle's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Tom or Ashley

    I would like to start using C3 for a project that I'm planning, but I'm not sure when the actual subscription will be available.

    I'm still able to load C3 under the GameJam License, but I expect that to revert back to beta at anytime.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Ashley - Thank you!

  • Hi Guys

    The latest version of C3 fails to load/refresh/show files from dropbox.

    Is this happening to anyone else?

  • Hi lunarray

    Just wondering if you have any plans to port LiteTween to C3. I would honestly be willing to pay for a plugin license if it's ported

  • Hi Ashley

    Thank you for the reply. That's a bit of a bummer, hope they get on to it soon.

  • Hi guys

    In C2, I could preview over wifi. In C3 I can only find the remote preview option, which doesn't work on iPhone.

    Is there any way I can preview my project on iPhone/iPad?

    Thank you in advance

  • Hi Ashley and Team

    A couple of days ago I posted a bug report to do with estimated image memory.

    I've just wanted to detail here why I have to use multiple large images, even if they only have small changes.

    Let's say I have a car and I am making a spot the difference game. I want to pin some details on to the car and animate the car driving onto the screen shaking and wobbling.

    I can use the sine behaviour to squash and stretch the car, BUT, the "pinned" parts will not squash and stretch relative to the car.

    The only way to workaround this, is a very long process of using image points and updating the positions for all these parts through events.

    It would be insanely useful to have a feature where we could put all the parts of an object into a wrapper and animate them with one behaviour - all relative to the parent object.

    I mainly make puzzle games, so these sort of Containers (not the current Containers Construct uses) and Tweening are the most useful features. I'm sure there are many other people in the same boat, having to rely on 3rd party options.

    In C3, we don't yet have the possibility to use Spriter or LiteTween. Furthermore, if I start my project in C2 and want to later import it into C3 using LiteTween, I'm not guaranteed that it will import correctly, as LiteTween is not an official Scirra feature.

    Construct is amazing software, but I ( and many others I'm sure ) would be eternally grateful if we could have a 'container' feature similar to what I've described above, as well as native tweeting engine.

    I'm am super exited about C3 and have no problems with the subscription, but I really do feel that these features are necessary in order to make the tool as versatile as possible.

    Thank you very much for the consideration

  • Hi Ashley and Team

    I'm really wanting to delve into C3 but finding it hard to do so, as a lot of my levels / games rely on using LiteTween.

    I know that on the suggestion board, it has been stated than at some point in the future you might be looking at implementing a native tweeting engine, but in the meantime, you will be helping developers to port some of the most popular plugins.

    Do you have any idea when when we can expect a port of LiteTween or similar?

    PS. Thank you heaps for such an awesome product - C3 is looking great!

  • Yeah me too, but the reading I'm getting seems to suggest that is what's happening.

    It definitely says it's using a lot more memory than the same project in c2.

  • Hi guys

    Just wanted to make sure this is actually an issue before posting a bug report.

    I'm getting a huge inconsistency in debug, under > est. image memory

    In C3 (on the Mac) , I'm getting something like 37.9 mb (empty project starts at 21.9 image memory)

    in C2, it only comes to around 24.3 mb, no matter whether ins being debugged on PC or Mac ( empty project starts at 19.6 image memory )

    It looks like in C3 ( on the Mac ), the image is being placed on a 2048x2048 sized texture and taking up 16mb of memory, but in C2 it's not.

    Is this happening to anybody else?

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  • Hi oosyrag

    Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it

  • Hi guys

    In the C2 manual, it states that it is recommended to keep image memory under 100mb per layout, in order to target a larger number of devices.

    I'm just wondering if anything has changed now that I'm using the C3 beta, and whether if it's perhaps safe to increase this a little?

    I'm finding it a little limiting when working with large animated sprites in HD.

    Any feedback would be awesome

    Thank you in advance!

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