ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Quick update, this course will be released the Week AFTER Easter.

    I was hoping to get it all finalized before I left on vacation this weekend, but it's probably not going to happen.

    The course is going to be $29, but I will be sending out a special coupon code for former students. You will get that in a Udemy type email after the class has been published. The first video, Screen Resolution, will be free to all.

    The videos are.

    1. Screen Resolution.

    3. CocoonJS Object Banner Ads

    4. CocoonJS Object Fullscreen Ads

    5. Mopub Initial Setup

    6. AdMob Setup

    7. Mopub and Admob Link

    8. Export and Cloud Compiling

    9. Image Sizer (Asset Oganization)

    I had 6 beta testers that went through the course, it would be great if you could post in here your experience with the course. Thanks.

  • Sorry it's not. I just need a few more hours on them and just haven't had the time. I leave for vacation next week, so I hope to have them done before I leave.


  • I'm about done with my Monetization with ads course, once that gets online I will be doing an iOS course next. Expect it in the next month or 2 hopefully. I'm kind of waiting for the Ejecta plugin to get flushed out a bit, and the update to the ConcoonJS plugin Ludei has been promising for a while.

  • I only show creating an android ad, but the process is identical on either device.

  • Future videos will get into In App purchases. This first course is focused on banner and fullscreen ads with cocoonJS, Mopub and Admob.

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  • Just finishing up the first course. It will be ready by the end of the week.

    This first course will cover.

    Multiple Screen Resolutions

    Using the CocoonJS Plugin to include Banner and Fullscreen ads.

    Setting up Mopub

    Setting up Admob

    Linking Mopub and Admob

    CocoonJS Cloud Compiler Ads setup.

  • Remember login still isn't working for me either. You had it listed as FIXED? I figured the question mark meant you wanted to know if it was or not .

  • I just wanted to start a thread concerning the new Ejecta plugin. Someplace we can put our thoughts in and what would be nice to be added to it.

    1. I currently don't see a way to do in app purchases with the official plugin.

    2. Option for fullscreen iAds.

    Those are my 2 big things right now .

  • Are you using any 3rd party plugins?

  • Very cool idea from Brackeys. It's not a competition, but a way to help you learn and get started on a project you have been thinking about.

  • I've never run into the issue.

    I just doubled checked my computer and I am signing with jdk1.7.0_51

  • Exporting from C2 does not directly make usable mobile files. You need to wrap what C2 exports into native language. That is where CocoonJS cloud compiler, Crosswalk XDK and Phonegap come into play.

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