LaMachineFactory's Recent Forum Activity

  • I found a solution, here's how, maybe it can help someone in the future.

    It is based on the 'Taking screenshots' example included in Construct

  • Hello, I have created an avatar generator.

    You can try it there :

    On web browser if you click on the save button it download an image.

    I want to make an Andoird app and I see on forums that I can't make it with browser object.

    Forums says that I have to use the share object, but I have no idea how to use it.

    (I'm more an illustrator than a dev ^^)

    Here is a screenshot of how I do with browser object :

    Can someone help me with the way to do the same with Share object please ?

    Thanks !

  • Thanks 😊

  • And here's the previous thing I did with Construct, which wasn't really a game neither ^^

  • Hello,

    Here is a creation I made with Construct 3 that I launched today.

    It's not really a game, but I think it can be posted here.

    PLease tell me what you think about it (and if you find any bug ^^)

    Have a nice day !

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  • Hello,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Thanks a lot dop2000 it works like a charm :)

  • Hello !

    I made a kind of online drumbox where you can play with some techno loops.

    A button allow to make the kick roll (with two differents speeds).

    Everything goes fine when I use the touch control "Is touching", but when I try to create a shorcut with keyboard controls "Key is down/On release" it soudn very "clicky" with lots of artefacts.

    My guess is that it alterns very quickly between -150 and 0 db, but I can't figure why.

    You can test it there :

    To see the issue more accurately, after selecting a track and click on play, you can click on the green KICK button while holding SHIFT.

    If you click on blue button "kick roll x2/x4" it should sound ok (almost no clic while holding the clic).

    If you click on the Q/A or W/Z(qwerty/azerty) you should ear a lot of "audio clics" while holding the key.

    Does anybody know what I should do to have a shortcut that have the same behaviour ?

    It is possible to simulate "Is touching" with keyboard ?

    Here are my event/action if it can help :)

    (only difference is that for keyboard shortcut I doubled the event because there are two differents key, you only see one at the bottom the otherone similar except for the audio tag)

    Thanks !

  • Hello,

    I've found why I didn't get any stats.

    Despite I was in "auto mode" I had to set an Initialize action.

    I added one "On start of Layout" and it is working fine now.

    Leaving the 2 last empty is ok too.


  • Thanks a lot calminthenight 😃

    I did it when I launched the site if I remember well ^^

  • Hello, here's today's update : I still don't see any event in my GA chart ^^

    I see two possible cause :

    - I still use my GA 4 for the global stats (in my index.html file) and only setted the UA-xxxxxx account in the plugin. Maybe they have to be the same.

    - As the value is set to "0", maybe it is not counted in the stats.

    I tried to fill every value instead of leaving blank, I will see if it changes anything tomorrow.

    If not, I'll set the UA-xxxxxx in the index.html too.

  • Thanks mikehive for your answer.

    I've entered the settings that you indicated.

    On the "live" panel of GA I don't see any new event appearing, but maybe it needs more time to update, or maybe it is is waiting for a UA-xxxxxxx ID : I have the version 4 of GA (with a G-XXXXX ID).

    I created a new property with UA-xxxxxxx ID and will see if it changes anything.

  • Hello !

    I've created this kind of drum box (still in beta actually) :

    I've setted google analytics that works fine to know the global visit, but I would like to also know wich tracks users prefer (currently there are 3 : Tribecore / Hardtek / Electro).

    So I've installed this plugin, but I have no idea how it works :/ (I'm more an illustrator/musician than a dev guy ^^) :

    When I create a "Sent" event I have no idea what I have to enter here, and if I have to set something special in Google Analytics.

    Does anyone that use it could help please ?

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