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  • Thanks :)

    To be sure it is almost always sync, I have set a timer of 4 measure that restart loops at each end of the timer. So each loop is reset every 4 mesure. The bad side is that sometimes it may cuts a little.

    I tryed with "scheduled next play but i had an issue (not sure to remember exactly which one) I'll give another try later to get rid of theses small cuts.

    I have no dev background, so i guess my code is totally a mess and could be improved way better. I'll try to improve it brick by bricks :)

    I totaly agree for the "time progress bar", maybe I'll do it for the green state too.

  • Thanks a lot for you nice comments.

    For a first project I'm glad it works, even if of course I still have lot of improvement to make :)

  • Hello !

    I have created with Contruct 3 a kind of online drum machine to allow non-musicians to play tekno for fun.

    It's not really a game, but not really made for making seriously music either ^^.

    It's still in beta phase, but I think it's enought to make it public :)

    Thanks to dop2000 for helping me for the rotary knob part.

    Please tell me what you think about it.

  • Thanks for the tips, I'll give it a try !

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  • Ok thanks for your answer. 🙂

    I hope that one day Construct will support multiples audio tag and let apply fx on master output 🙏

  • Hello,

    I followed the Audio Analyser exemple, it works well but it only applies on a specific audio tag.

    I have multiple audio tag (like "KICK", "RYTM", "BASS", etc...) and I would like to have one analyser on the master output, is it possible ?

    I would also like to add some effect on the master output rather than on separate tags (I think the answer would be the same, but I precise if it can help :)).

    Have a nice day,

  • Thanks again Dop2000, that is exactly what I want.

    You deserve some coffees :)

    For precision about the behavior that don't follow the mouse angle, it may look less intuitive (and yes it is), but it is far more precise to make some live modifiation :)

    Thanks everybody for your answers and your help :)

  • Thanks a lot Dop2000, I'm at work now, I'll try it right after. :)

    AllanR, I understand your point of view for circular control, but in the "music world" the knob behavior are more often like what I described, (like in vst and DAWs per exemple).

    Ps : didn't tryed it yet, but indeed it would have to continue if mouse goes off the knob ^^

  • Thanks a lot too dop2000 :)

    Unfortunately this is not the exact behavior I'm looking for.

    If I'm not wrong, the side your knob is turning depend on the side I click on.

    I'd like the knob to turn clockwise if I drag to the up, and anti clockwise if I drag to the down (regardless of where the user click), with a limit of around 300°, and it set a variable depending on the position.

    The purpose is to make a knob smiliar to a gain/FX knob on a guitar amp.

    I tried the newt's solution, but I only managed to do it to follow the mouse position, and the value is set to default at each click.

    AS a workaround I was think about creating an invisible slider on the top of knob (because the behavior look a lot like of a fader one), but I have the same problem : beacuse the slider appears at the same place, the knob is not keeping his position so the value is set back to default each time I click on the knob.

  • Thanks a lot newt, I'll try it :)

  • Hello,

    I'd like to create a rotary knob (it will apply audio FX on some audio tag), but I don't know ho to do it.

    I'd want that when a user click on the knob, he have to maintain the click, then drag and drop to the up or down to change the value (like in audio VST). (don't want to be set by the angle of the mouse).

    If he click later on the knob, it must not reset the value but goes from the value it was before.

    Knob will not have to do more than 280° (like an audio knob ^^)

    Can somebody can help me please ? :)

    PS : my first search seems to go to anglelerp expression, but I'm too noob to find how to use it properly :/

  • Hello, can we have more information on a date when Spriter will support runtime C3 please ?

    I can't make function in runtimeC2 wih is lilttle annoying.

    Thanks :)

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