czar After the first time it�s pretty easy to use ;] My game is running on 3gs in a nice speed ;]
Don�t forget to write! ;D
Just saw that — has made a very neat tutorial on using Ejecta
Awesome work goldentreee!!!
Thank you!!
I�ve given up on waiting for CJS and their misteryous update schedule and I�m using Ejecta to wrap my mobile app.
Basically, If I had the knowledge I would invest in this open source project rather than waiting unknown amounts of time for a solution.
I recommend you take a look.
nickname it is, just remember you need to load a layout with your objects on it before spawning these objects in a layout
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My bad, Yann would be awesome too for sure ;D
Well, I�m glad there�s so much interest in this.
Does anyone know a good programmer who would be intersted in learning the sdk for C2 and making this for a cool price? ;]
Maybe the awesome rexrainbow Pode or R0J0hound would be interested in taking a look?
Bl4ckSh33p thank you for the answer fellow sheep ;D
I�ll try to use that for now! ;]
Hi, could we have a Toogle state for every boolean type of action/event?
Toogle Pause/Play for audio for example would be very helpful.
Necessary o.o
Yeah California, but thanks for the link. I?m looking for a more friendly way of managing light and shadows, so I can just add luminescence and colored lighting to some objects in an easy way. I?m not too keen in programming a system myself inside C2, because I suck at math. ;P
Member since 28 Mar, 2012