2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, everytime I post a new topic, edit our post a reply, the forum sends me an waning saying my session has expired. Usually, reloading the page corrects the issue.


  • Hi hollowthreat, could you send a picture of how your project folder is organized and the error message that appears?

    Also, with the last developments in the cocoonjs, shouldn?t we be thinking more seriously of officially supporting Ejecta and Ejecta-X for ios and android export? You know, open-source and all? ;]

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a textbox, add two instance variables.

    2. Create a Function that sends the instance variables as parameters.

    3. On function call, wait the 1st var seconds and set the text as the second param.

    Observed result:

    The textbos returns 0.

    Expected result:

    The textbos should display the second instance variable.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8.1 Preview

    Construct 2 version:


    Thanks for looking.

  • Hi to all,

    i'm testing my little demo on both CocoonJS 1.4 and the default iOS 6.1.3 Safari using the lan Preview (on my ipad4).

    I have a strange effect..

    The game on the Safari is much much faster and smooth than the one compiled with CocoonJS 1.4!!???

    I have very very low framerate!

    Why this happens? Should not usually be the opposite?

    I have WebGl enable in my project.

    Can be that i put "yes" on "Use iOS retina display"?

    Please have any advices about?


    hi, cocoonjs 1.4 on ios hasn?t been authorized by apple yet, so you should check later

    I wish ludei would respond about my question about using a testflight link for us, so we could test before the app hits the store

  • Oh, sorry, I tought the ConeOfView was the rotation of the coneofview, but is actually the maximum degrees in the cone the object can see.

    Any chance of there being a more visual way of seeing the los cone in the editor/runtime? Right now it?s too much a guessing work.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Try to set a sprite or a text to Player.LineOfSight.ConeOfView

    Observed result:

    It doesn�t work and is stuck at 120 here.

    Expected result:

    The sprite LOS_Cone should be rotating in the same angle as the line of sight.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: don�t know

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    windows 8.1 preview

    Construct 2 version:

    R137 64 bits

  • I did it in a very gimmicky way, it�s not pretty but you can see the name after the score ;D

    I�m not going to commit to git because it�s really not the correct way this should be done, heheh, but here�s the updated plugin:


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  • I?m trying to also store the name of the player with the score, if I?m sucessful I?ll commit later ;]

    Damn, I can?t figure out how to store the name inside the array, any ideas on how to do that?

  • 0plus1 awesome, thank you again! ;D

  • any chance of posting a testflight link so we can test on ios as quick as possible?

  • what changes do I need to make to index.js to test the game in webgl mode?


  • Experiencing this issue in Ejecta too, just so you know ;]

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