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  • The loop is because I needed "loopindex" to upadte Card.Values based on an Array object items values CardList.At(loopindex(""),1). But you are right, I could use Card.IID instead of loopindex so that Card.Value is CardList.At(Card.IID-2,1) and forget the loop.

  • I've changed "Wait for previous action" for "Wait 0". As far as a I see, they both do the same thing allowing for all the spawned instances to be created, but anyway, I did it. At the end of event 1 all the required instances are created without troubles.

    I've also changed the Pick event for just Card.Index >= 0 but it doesn't pick any instance. In fact, this was the first thing I did before trying out the Pick conditions. But the only Pick condition that seems to work is Pick All.

    This doesn't pick anything =>

    C3 Project modified =>

  • Hi,

    I'm having trouble selecting a subgroup of an object's instances. For some reason I don't understand both Pick by Comparison and Pick by Evaluate don't return any results. The only condition that returns results is Pick All. What am I doing wrong?

    This doesn't work =>

    This works =>

    Here is the C3 project =>


  • Take a snapshot of the canvas with the User Media plugin

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  • You can also set the period offset property to start the cycle half away the sine wave. Set cycle position action lets you change period offset property in runtime if you need to.

  • Effects do not change the original image loaded. They just change what you see on the screen. A possible solution would be to take a snapshot of the canvas.



  • This is an old issue, but still I didn't find a solution. It looks like User Media pluging is supposed to be used only in browsers but not in mobile devices native apps. There are cordova plugins (Cranberrygame, etc) that let access device's camera, but they all prompt the user to take photo or video manually. However, I need to capture images without user intervention (except maybe to give permission to access the camera just once). The way UserMedia plugin does it is good for me, but sadly, I can't use it without a browser (((( Any ideas?

  • RyoHazuki how did you solve the problem? I need to take snapshots from mobile device back camera regularly (4 times per second) like I would do with the User Media plugin action "Snapshot". However, User Media cannot access mobile device camera from a native application (cordova). Cranberrygame cordova plugins can access mobile device camera, but show the standard photo capture prompting the user to take the photo manually. I need to take photos automatically without user input (except maybe the permission to acccess the camera the first time the app is used. How can I do this? Do you know any plugin which does the same as User Media "snapshot" action does?

  • It's not just a TTS problem with User Media plugin. The entire User Media plugin doesn't work when you export to cordova, and it's not able to access mobile device camera, mic, etc... from native apps.

  • Thanks !

  • Maybe a reasonable workaround would be to "ignore" WindowHeight, and just estimate maximum percentage of the screen covered by the OSK in all devices. Let's say you do some research, and you discover that the OSK never covers more than 45% of the screen in any device. It is only an estimation, but maybe it's enough. Depending on the location of the input field on the screen, you decide how much scrolling you need, always assuming the maximum % of OSK's screen coverage you've estimated.

  • It would be awesome to improve the plugin by adding a fade in when starting the streaming and a fade out when stopping. Is it difficult to adapt the plugin to include a parameter for the fade in / out timing?

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Member since 11 Jan, 2016

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