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  • This is the error I get:

  • anyone?

  • The CocoonJS Launcher is no longer available on android market so that�s going nowhere.

    With appMobi in the xdk i get an error about this code snippet:

    "<!-- the line below is required for access to the appMobi JS library -->

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="http://localhost:58888/_appMobi/appmobi.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

            // This event handler is fired once the AppMobi libraries are ready

            function onDeviceReady() {

                //use AppMobi viewport to handle device resolution differences if you want


                //hide splash screen now that our app is ready to run



            //initial event handler to detect when appMobi is ready to roll


    </script> "

  • Have tried several times to export a game to android using both cocoonjs and appmobi by following the available tutorials with no success. Is there any chance C2 will get a better (easier) way to export? In GameMaker Studio and Stencyl when I export all I do is choose platform and voila! there's your apk/ios file. C2 has so many advantages over the other two and with an export method like that C2 would be even more awesome!

  • I have used parallells 7 to run C2 on my mac and it worked nicely but for better over all smoothness I run win7 with bootcamp

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  • I have an idea for a game for android that would have to be able to send and recieve sms. Anyone here that did this before, i would very much appreciate any pointers as to where to start. Thanx

  • LoL!! the bouncing of walls is all messed up to. Nah, deleting the hole project.. something as simple as a breakout game isn�t worth the time it takes to figure it out. *sigh*

  • I�ve spent some time over this with no result:

    It�s for a breakout type game. I want the player to be able to "aim" wich way the ball is gonna go by trying to make the ball hit the bat towards the edges, the further away from the center of the bat the sharper ( or wider) the angle of motion gets. I have made a breakout game before in GM but the formula I used then (bat.X - ball.X +90) doesn�t seem to work, most likely because in GM 270 is down and 90 is up. All I found when searching the forum was suggestions that I change the collision polygons but I dont think that�s a good sollution.. hard to make it exactly symetrical.

    Any ideas? :)


  • I�m working on my savegame menu for my game. Is there a good way to make the game save all character stats, inventory and so on into a single savefile without having to make a looong eventsheet? :)

  • I?m working on my savegame menu for my game. Is there a good way to make the game save all character stats, inventory and so on into a single savefile without having to make a looong eventsheet? :)

  • Doh! Was it that simple.. ok thx <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Can�t find how to do this. Is it possible?

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