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  • Ok, turns out that was not the ads, was the music! Moving the game music from Music to the Sounds folder resolved the problem for me! Try on your project, maybe its a C3 bug.

    I dont have any music or sound in my project yet. I have filed a bugreport.

    Does your games display correctly on iPhone X? Can't get it to work. So many things broken it is hard to get anything done *sigh*

  • You can see my test project here, to use it you will have to replace the publisher ID and App ID with your own.

    Also it is important that you change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers, otherwise it will fail to load the user consent dialog.

    I'm intending to take a look into the iOS version again soon, along with location testing. If you find any replicable bugs please file a bug report on the GitHub tracker, you will get a response from me faster. Also it's hard work trying to understand bugs from forum posts.

    I have downloaded and tested the project and it kinda works, I have some questions though:

    About the privacy url - Do I need my own url? How do I make one? What should be in it?

    In the parameters dialog for creating an ad in the field "Advert unit ID" you have put "TEST", can this be anything just to name the ad or should it be the ad unit id from admob?

    The Show consent button doesn't do anything. Is this because I changed the privacy policy url in the plugin settings to point to my own website (where I have no privacy policy setup because I don't know how to make one)?

    All other buttons work even though I have only made an ad unit for interstitial, why do they work anyway?

    Hope you have the time to answer these questions :)


  • When I try to load an interstitial ad the screen goes all white.

    Has any one had the same problem and know whats wrong?

    Any help would be appreciated!


  • Tried your game.

    It doesn't work at all on my Samsung Galasy S7, the screen just goes black but I can hear the music.

    On my Samsung Galaxy Tab S it works but is supper laggy, framerate probably below 20 fps so it is impossible to play.

  • My personal experience with exporting games made with C3 is very mixed and has led me to cancel my subscription, maybe I'll come back when the new runtime for C3 is properly finished. Made a simple project and exported to android and on some devices the fps was steadily above 50 but on others it would barely run at 25. This is probably due to what is called gpu blacklist in the chromium browser, hopefully some one with more knowledge can give a better answer.

    All i can say is that I replicated the project with GameMaker Studio 2 and tested it on several mobile devices, both new and old, and none had any problem running it at a steady 60fps.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello,

    I used to be able to do remote preview on my android phone.

    Today I tried and my phone gets stuck on the Construct3 loading screen displaying: Loading Scripts...(100%)

    Then nothing happens, even after 10minutes.

    I tried with a few different project, same results.

    Chrome app is up to date on my phone.

    On the desktop side it says:

    Client connected: Chrome 66 ? Android 6.0, waiting for runtime stats...




    The same started to happen to me today across all devices including both pc and mac computers, with any project .

  • Are you guys serious?

    You add Instant Games plugin to a mobile app, and it behaves odd, and then you file it as a bug!? Instant Games should only be used for instant games, which is obvious.! do not just add stuff randomly to your creations.. also instant games has it owns loader, if used properly as an instant game!...

    And also note that it is not allowed to use user information that is not provided by the Instant Games SDK, along with Instant games. also you are not allowed to share app id, or use any other ad system when using their SDK.

    As I said before: "Why I put that plugin in there I do not know since it is not supposed to be in a mobile game, Instant game are exported as html5 projects, oh and FB recommends not using custom loading screens for instant games". This is also why I obviously did not report it as a bug, it wasn't supposed to be there in the 1st place.

  • First I would like to point out that I started this thread because I thought there was a way to do this that I didn't know about.

    Ok here is what I found:

    In my case I believe it was the Instant Games plugin that caused the delay. I made a small project and at first it worked fine so I started putting in the plugins that I used in the game that hade issues one by one and compiling an debug apk each time and tested. The problem surfaced with the Instant Games plugin.

    Why I put that plugin in there I do not know since it is not supposed to be in a mobile game, Instant game are exported as html5 projects, oh and FB recommends not using custom loading screens for instant games

    Have not tested on iOS so I can't say if this is what is causing problems for jagoman

  • I've noticed the same issue.

    The black screen delay is present in both Android and iOS builds. (The black screen before the "Construct 3 Splash")

    My builds are also not very large (Android APK: 5.7mb, iOS is 18mb).

    Furthermore, for iOS the "LaunchImage" is shown for a split second, before, the 5-6 seconds of black screen, then the "Construct 3 Splash". So changing the launch image didn't solve the issue.

    Thanks for answering! Now at least I know I'm not the only one experiencing these issues. I hope it will be corrected soon, people might think the game is broken and shut it down and uninstall it. Not good at all!

  • The other loader styles should work on mobile. What gave you the impression the "Construct 3 splash" was the only one supported on mobile? You could also use a loader layout to completely customise it.

    I have tried using a custom loader layout but it is only shown for a split second after the screen being completely black for about 6 seconds.

  • Anyone?

    Maybe Ashley or someone else at scirra can shed some light on this?

    It not very good for a mobile game to start with a black screen for 3 to 5 seconds and then show the construct 3 splash for 2 to 3 seconds before starting, especially when game (apk file) is only 1.9 mb

  • Since "Construct 3 splash" is the only Loader style that works when exporting to mobile, how can I swap that image to make my own custom splash image. It is supposed to be one of the perks of paying the subscription fee right?

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