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  • After some searching, I was able to get some sort of conveyor belt working. However the ball object gets hung up on the end of the belt AND it looks whatever bounciness it had when it falls.


    Does anyone have the solution to this issue, along with any ways to improve the Gear object?

    Next is trying to get the Anti-Gravity and Blowing Fan objects working in the future.

  • (Remembers stress inducing platforming jumps from Mega Man games...)

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/socvnpppylsz3iv/Physics%20Objects%20Testing%20-%20GEAR.capx?dl=0

    This version shows my working 'Gear' physics object.

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  • Currently all of my objects that will operate have Physics (immovable; drag/drop) and collision turned off whilst I've contained a Physics sprite to each object that will trigger the actual event. It made sense to do things this way so the sprites can animate AND not affect the physics of anything else; following a lot of tutorials really helped out.

    For the 'Gear' object, I created a rectangle sprite and a circle sprite each with Physics (immovable) -> arranged 4 rectangle sprites to the circle in a proper pattern -> Pinned them to my 'Gear' object that has rotation -> Have the 'Gear' rotate when the 'Ball' collides with either the rectangle or circle sprite with a set rotation (max 100 pix).

    I'll get a capx available soon.

  • I'm working on a project and I'm looking to accomplish certain physics actions on a ball object. I've tried different things but I'm not sure of the differences in behaviors. Here's a rundown (I'll add new ones once I get each one working):

    • A conveyor belt mechanic that moves a ball along in the direction the conveyor is facing (mirroring would be needed)
    • Changing the ball's gravity when it passes through a sprite as it moves along

    Hopefully this topic can help others as well looking to accomplish the same/similar physics actions. I was able to get a working 'gear' that rotates once the ball hits it. If anyone's interested in seeing that then let me know.

  • something lke this? https://youtu.be/1JEYeLGsYlg?list=PLOFk0YyEmMmdifV9NiUDvYhUEjWS-bJpy

    Dude, I've watched your videos! I literally just finished your Tetris tutorial!

    But now, I can't figure out how to add the other Tetris block shapes (square, 4 pixel line). How do you create those shapes and have them work properly? I couldn't ever have figured out how to accomplish making Tetris in C2 without your videos; way too much work trying to figure out the array setup.

    As for the beat em' up, I'll look into it a long ways from now; probably will just purchase a template that works and try to make adjustments. Hope you create more videos!

  • Have you considered looking at any tutorials? The pin behavior is a rather simple behavior to use.

    I can't be the only new user of C2 who's been following and completing a different tutorial every week to learn the ins and outs.

  • Make a game out of this already.

  • Any general notes/advice as to how you put this together? I could probably make something like this myself (and be impressed with my amateur skill), but I'd probably run into issues.

  • I've sent it to you by email. You should wait until the spawnDelay hits "0" - that's when it gets funny!

    Aw, c'mon. I want to see!

    I'm still confused about the random events. Can somebody create a video example of how all of the separate 'random' commands work with regards to any kind of object it can be applied to?

    Obviously I'm begging for a full video manual, LOL.

  • I totally couldn't figure out how to light a campfire and put it on the ground.

  • I've been wanting to know how to accomplish this as well.

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Member since 31 Aug, 2015

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