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  • OK, I have finally created something that I can say is "working." This is mostly to test some of the functions I've learned from watching so many tutorials.Basically you reveal a picture underneath another picture by zapping diamonds and increasing your score. ASD keys stop the Zappers in place and shoot a line to zap the diamonds.

    I have provided a link to the .capx file in my profile and hopefully this new link posting works: www(dot)dropbox.com/s/8pb2gkieqyj0bti/ChanceGame%20Test.capx?dl=0. Any feedback is appreciated. However, I'm really looking to fix a couple of things that I already planned but couldn't get working. Here's the list:

    • Keeping the diamonds from going out of the blue boundary (bouncing back if they hit an invisible boundary object)
    • Adding an object that when zapped: adds +3 seconds to timer OR slows down all diamonds (optional stuff to enhance the gameplay)
    • Showing the other picture when selecting it from the menu (I couldn't not get this to work at all after multiple attempts)
    • Ability to view the unlocked pictures in the title menu (need some ideas to get this working)
    • Add to the score the diamond gives when zapped in a certain area (this explains the lines in the play area; need some ideas to get this working)

    Thanks for any help/ideas in advance.

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  • I have an interest in making this happen in a game I'm building. Basically what would happen is the player selects a magic attack. This action would pause all the gameplay to display a quick animation, and then resume the gameplay with the attack inflicting damage. This is something that's similarly done in Japanese 2D RPGS (Project X Zone, Super Robot Wars).

    If anyone has a tutorial (Video/Step by Step), or just any notes about accomplishing this then any help would be appreciated. Thanks, and thank you for creating this game engine.

  • When I decided to attempt creating game builds, I downloaded both Game Maker Studio and Construct 2. I used GMS first and followed a few tutorials to make some semblance of working games.

    Then I decided to try Construct 2. And now I have no idea how anyone who doesn't know code and cares to learn it would ever stick with GMS. It's just too code heavy. Construct 2 seems to run on logic that is/isn't its own. And code is hardly needed (if you can call it code).

    GMS and C2 are practically 2 completely different engines that you can't compare, even if you can make the exact same game builds. For me, personally, I will never ever go back to GMS. I immediately deleted it from my PC after following just 1 tutorial in C2. GMS is very impressive but it's really for those who can code.

  • I'm still hoping to get some insight as to how I would perform the above actions for this memory match game. Any help would be appreciated.

  • I followed this tutorial about creating a Memory Match game . Now I'd like to change the game into something more by adding these features:

    • Limit the number of turns
    • Save the number of matches for each card type
    • Unlock a large viewing of the card (after getting a certain number of matches) in a separate menu

    I would upload my current capx file but I can't as of now. I haven't gone over a tutorial with menu creation yet so maybe I'll save that for later. But saving cards matches to unlock the card for viewing is really what I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Ah yes, I forgot about the Object.Angle usage. This did work. Thanks to you both.

  • I'm working on a prototype for my game involving a square collecting stars in a stage that has a goal. Every time the player Mouse clicks/Keyboard taps, the square goes in another 90 angle direction (from EAST to SOUTH to WEST to NORTH to EAST...). When the square collides with a wall, the square goes backwards in a 180 angle direction.

    I've been able to get the Wall collision working properly but the 90 angle direction change for every Mouse click/Keyboard tap isn't working. What is required in the Event List to have the square turn 90 degrees with every click/tap?

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Member since 31 Aug, 2015

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