Storing Memory Match Cards for Unlocking/Viewing

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  • I followed this tutorial about creating a Memory Match game . Now I'd like to change the game into something more by adding these features:

    • Limit the number of turns
    • Save the number of matches for each card type
    • Unlock a large viewing of the card (after getting a certain number of matches) in a separate menu

    I would upload my current capx file but I can't as of now. I haven't gone over a tutorial with menu creation yet so maybe I'll save that for later. But saving cards matches to unlock the card for viewing is really what I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • I'm working with the memory match game as well. Having a hard time getting the game to size to my phone. The screen is showing to much of the layout. Note of the sizing seem to help using the Fullscreen in Browser option. However just about every other sample game works.

    1. The cards are too big

    or the cards are two small for the mobile device.

    Trying to use modify the HTML 5, viewport <meta> tag does not work not much control.. using the Intel XDK or Dreamweaver CC. seems to me if I trying doing a web app I could size it to fix my mobile device.


  • I'm still hoping to get some insight as to how I would perform the above actions for this memory match game. Any help would be appreciated.

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