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  • Its either add extra blank frames to the default Sprite object, or use the offset texture feature of Tiled Bg.

    I would also point out that ram should be taken into consideration.

    In other words many animations is not what is considered best practice.

    The TiledBackground offset idea is incredible thanks so much!

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  • Hi,

    I'm working on a multiplayer game and my intention is to upload character sprites to my web server and load these sprites at runtime - this way players can change their character outfits dynamically, and we can upload additional sprites without having to manually update the client.

    "Load Image from URI" w/ the Sprite object works great for this, but the issue is that it replaces the image of ALL instances of the sprite and not just the specific sprite of the player who has changed their outfit.

    I know this issue has come up before and one work around is to use additional blank frames - but I don't think this will scale with a future state of possibly 1000's of different interchangeable sprites. I'm also aware that the TiledBackground object will allow me to load different images for each instance, but TiledBackground's do not have frames (which seem necessary for animating the sprites).

    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas?

  • I'm not familiar with the loading images from URL action but you could get the point of origin using

    X = Sprite.Width / 2

    Y = Sprite.Height / 2

  • Hi Graham, that's exactly right. You can only have one tilemap image imported when using Tiled. I faced a similar problem and had to merge all tilesets into one file. Just make sure you're not going over the maximum file size or you may need to use multiple tilemaps for additional tilesets!

  • Amazing Nepeo! I had already received some much appreciated help from Eleanor to get this working but your post has helped round out my knowledge further (especially if wanting to send a string!).

    I appreciate it. I'll look to share a Multiplayer Template for anyone interested in doing something similar.

  • Nepeo thanks for the example!

    I'm not sure how to comprehend this in terms of non-fixed data sizes.

    I'm hoping you can help offer some guidance if you have time - I posted a thread that explains what I'm attempting to do using the Binary Data plugin:

    I'm basically trying to use the Multiplayer plugin and Multiplayer message action to send the following data to the host:

    PeerID: 4-5 alpha/numeric characters

    X Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Y Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Direction: 0, 1, 2 or 3

  • Same here. It seems that since the release of r201 beta I'm having the same issues as you've described.

  • Hi,

    Has anyone figured out how to use the Binary Data plugin with the Multiplayer Plugin to send a message? After struggling for a few weeks trying to conceptualize binary data as well as Scirra's plugin, I'm hoping to get some guidance.

    The multiplayer message I am trying to send contains the following data (for multiple peers):

    PeerID: 4-5 alpha/numeric characters

    X Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Y Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Direction: 0, 1, 2 or 3

    Currently I'm sending this data as a string with separators to distinguish between the variables as well as the peers. I know this isn't best practice, but the aim is to "shrink" the data with the Binary Data object. I guess what's confusing me is how to setup the actions/events to load the data into (and read the data from) the Binary Data object, and I'm not sure if multiple Binary Data objects are needed.

    Side notes:

    - If anyone has a Binary Data plugin example file that they would be willing to share, that would be super helpful! I haven't come across any on the forums nor is there a tutorial.

    - I'm not using the built-in multiplayer sync, and instead I'm using "send message" to send data to specific peers.



  • Nepeo do you still have that example file? The dropbox link isn't working.

  • R0J0hound Do you still have the solution for this? Link seems to have disappeared.

  • Use the expression:

    TileAt(PositionToTileX(sprite.x), PositionToTileY(sprite.y))

  • Hey - sorry for the late reply.

    I would go with Windows if you're uncomfortable with Linux (although if you want to try it, look up some tutorials on how to get a browser installed, the instructions should be straight forward and that should be all you need). It shouldn't really matter which OS you choose.

    RAM has to do with how much memory your server will have access to. I would start with one of the lower options, something inexpensive will work fine and then upgrade as needed... the more players you have, the greater demand on the server and the more RAM and processing speed you'll need!

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