Badmiracle's Recent Forum Activity

  • TheRealDannyyy no good news (yet).

    I posted this same topic as a Bug Report:

    In hindsight I should have started with that.

  • Problem Description

    Multiplayer plugin - host and any peers disconnect after ~24 hours.

    Attach a Capx

    (Use original Multiplayer - realtime capx found in Construct 2 templates)

    Description of Capx

    Exact same as template.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the capx, and join game as host.
    • Run a second tab, and join game as a peer.
    • Wait 12-24 hours or so (you can leave both tabs open OR minimize one, OR minimize both)

    Observed Result

    Host and Peer both disconnect from the server after an arbitrary amount of time (usually somewhere in the 12-24 hour range).

    I get a "Signalling disconnected" message in the chat log. Nothing out of the ordinary appears in the web console.

    Expected Result

    Should be able to run the "server" continuously. I am trying to have one peer serve as the host/dedicated server, this won't work if the host disconnects everybody for some unknown reason after several hours.

    To my knowledge, my internet connection was maintained throughout the duration of the test.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: Yes
    • FireFox: Yes
    • Internet Explorer: Did not test

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • There is a Multiplayer.ErrorMessage expression, but that will display "on Signalling error"

    What's occurring for me is "on Signalling disconnected" - it thinks the host has left the server.

  • Badmiracle

    you can initiate reconnect by your self... turn off/on router

    I think if I were to do that, then the server would d/c because the router is off.

    [quote:2z5esn2c]Thanks for the quick response and information.

    If I had to take a guess on the cause of this issue, my best guess would be that there is some sort of "multiplayer session-length limitation" of the web that automatically kicks in after a while (~12h) and shuts down the session for reasons unknown.

    I just got the disconnection message and it had nothing to do with IP. My IP is still the same as it was.

    I'm curious as to how we can diagnose what's happening. I didn't see any errors in the Chrome console (peer), but I assume the Host had some. Will have to run the test again with the host running the game from an actual browser (not NW.js) to see the results in the console.

    Are you guessing that this is a Chrome/Web Browser issue, or an issue with the Multiplayer Plugin?

  • Badmiracle Can you run the same test and check if the web-console gives out any error messages please?

    Also could you please provide more information like the browser you've used and hardware specs.

    CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K CPU 3.3 GHZ

    Ram: 16 GB

    64-bit OS, Windows 10

    I'm using Chrome for the peer and NW.js for host. I'll report back what shows up in the console after I d/c.

    Still waiting for the disconnect to occur again to see if what irina said is true. It makes a lot of sense that an IP change would cause this problem, but I don't think my IP changes that frequently. That said it hasn't changed yet, and I haven't been disconnected after about 18 hours so far.

  • Is anyone else aware of this?

    RIP Construct Game Dev dreams.

  • I tried running the realtime multiplayer demo overnight. One host, one peer. In the morning I got a message in the chat log that said "Signalling disconnected" and I couldn't move my characters on either the host or the peer.

    Just wondering what this issue could be. Does it have anything to do with the signalling server (would buying my own signalling server help)? My hope of running a multiplayer game with a "dedicated" host for the game room 24/7 is kind of dwindling.

  • Hi,

    I've been developing a mobile game and found the rex firebase plugin very helpful, so I added it to the game.

    The thing is, I've seen some people having issues with the plugin on mobile games.

    Can I get feedback from anybody regarding the compatibility of the plugin for iOS or Android game?

    In theory it should work fine. I think the only issue on mobile had to deal with certain authentication methods like Facebook/Google login that requires an In-App Browser to work. cranberrygame released an In-App browser plugin that will get this to work:

  • You can consider using a service like PlayFab/GameSparks/Firebase, which offers the ability to authenticate users and can even add some security features for verifying incoming data.

    Actual client side game data can however always be manipulated.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi guys,

    I’m working on adding jumping and platforms, to my top down action game, to give it a sense of depth.

    The game will look a bit like 2D Zelda. It's multiplayer - here's a demo: (player graphics are not my own)

    Screenshot Example for Context: ... n.png?dl=0

    I’m having some trouble getting jumping to work, and I can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve created a “z” axis for depth, and played around with adding a jumping power variable that will increment the players Z with delta time, and another variable for jump height... but it eventually becomes so convoluted that I end up back at square one. It’s a lot more complex then I thought.

    I’ve implemented a collision system that R0J0hound created so that I could have some form of depth based collision control. It works quite well for making sure you only collide with objects on the same “z” height as your character.

    I have a stripped down capx containing a player that can be controlled and a bunch of stacked boxes. I’m hoping someone can either direct me on how to do it, or create such a system that will explain it.

    Capx Example: ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice... (or even words of encouragement at this point) that you can provide!

  • You can, but you'll have to build your own sync algorithm via messages rather than use the built in sync.

    Yeah but this is highly unrecommended. Messages are sent as strings, and it costs you 1 byte per standard character. So for anything other than a turn-based game that doesn't need to be transferring data every few milliseconds this would be horrible.

  • This is extremely cool! I also love the animated water effect. Very creative.

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