Multiplayer plugin (Signalling disconnected)

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The official Scirra Multiplayer Signalling Server for helping peers find and connect to each other
  • I tried running the realtime multiplayer demo overnight. One host, one peer. In the morning I got a message in the chat log that said "Signalling disconnected" and I couldn't move my characters on either the host or the peer.

    Just wondering what this issue could be. Does it have anything to do with the signalling server (would buying my own signalling server help)? My hope of running a multiplayer game with a "dedicated" host for the game room 24/7 is kind of dwindling.

  • Is anyone else aware of this?

    RIP Construct Game Dev dreams.

  • maybe becouse of IP reset every 24h from your provider?

  • Badmiracle Can you run the same test and check if the web-console gives out any error messages please?

    Also could you please provide more information like the browser you've used and hardware specs.

  • Badmiracle Can you run the same test and check if the web-console gives out any error messages please?

    Also could you please provide more information like the browser you've used and hardware specs.

    CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K CPU 3.3 GHZ

    Ram: 16 GB

    64-bit OS, Windows 10

    I'm using Chrome for the peer and NW.js for host. I'll report back what shows up in the console after I d/c.

    Still waiting for the disconnect to occur again to see if what irina said is true. It makes a lot of sense that an IP change would cause this problem, but I don't think my IP changes that frequently. That said it hasn't changed yet, and I haven't been disconnected after about 18 hours so far.

  • Badmiracle

    you can initiate reconnect by your self... turn off/on router

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  • > Badmiracle Can you run the same test and check if the web-console gives out any error messages please?

    > Also could you please provide more information like the browser you've used and hardware specs.


    CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K CPU 3.3 GHZ

    Ram: 16 GB

    64-bit OS, Windows 10

    I'm using Chrome for the peer and NW.js for host. I'll report back what shows up in the console after I d/c.

    Still waiting for the disconnect to occur again to see if what irina said is true. It makes a lot of sense that an IP change would cause this problem, but I don't think my IP changes that frequently. That said it hasn't changed yet, and I haven't been disconnected after about 18 hours so far.

    Thanks for the quick response and information.

    If I had to take a guess on the cause of this issue, my best guess would be that there is some sort of "multiplayer session-length limitation" of the web that automatically kicks in after a while (~12h) and shuts down the session for reasons unknown.

  • Badmiracle

    you can initiate reconnect by your self... turn off/on router

    I think if I were to do that, then the server would d/c because the router is off.

    [quote:2z5esn2c]Thanks for the quick response and information.

    If I had to take a guess on the cause of this issue, my best guess would be that there is some sort of "multiplayer session-length limitation" of the web that automatically kicks in after a while (~12h) and shuts down the session for reasons unknown.

    I just got the disconnection message and it had nothing to do with IP. My IP is still the same as it was.

    I'm curious as to how we can diagnose what's happening. I didn't see any errors in the Chrome console (peer), but I assume the Host had some. Will have to run the test again with the host running the game from an actual browser (not NW.js) to see the results in the console.

    Are you guessing that this is a Chrome/Web Browser issue, or an issue with the Multiplayer Plugin?

  • > Badmiracle

    > you can initiate reconnect by your self... turn off/on router


    I think if I were to do that, then the server would d/c because the router is off.

    [quote:bdw3p57f]Thanks for the quick response and information.

    If I had to take a guess on the cause of this issue, my best guess would be that there is some sort of "multiplayer session-length limitation" of the web that automatically kicks in after a while (~12h) and shuts down the session for reasons unknown.

    I just got the disconnection message and it had nothing to do with IP. My IP is still the same as it was.

    I'm curious as to how we can diagnose what's happening. I didn't see any errors in the Chrome console (peer), but I assume the Host had some. Will have to run the test again with the host running the game from an actual browser (not NW.js) to see the results in the console.

    Are you guessing that this is a Chrome/Web Browser issue, or an issue with the Multiplayer Plugin?

    I'm not sure, if the console is giving out no error messages it sounds like an issue caused by the plugin.

    I think the multiplayer plugin has an expression which returns more detailed error messages, maybe add that to the project as well.

    If you get disconnected more frequently, it could also be caused by cross-browser issues (mainly version differences).

    There are lots of possible causes for this, looking forward towards anything that helps with isolating the cause so we can report it as a bug.

  • There is a Multiplayer.ErrorMessage expression, but that will display "on Signalling error"

    What's occurring for me is "on Signalling disconnected" - it thinks the host has left the server.

  • Any good news regarding this Badmiracle?

  • TheRealDannyyy no good news (yet).

    I posted this same topic as a Bug Report:

    In hindsight I should have started with that.

  • TheRealDannyyy no good news (yet).

    I posted this same topic as a Bug Report:

    In hindsight I should have started with that.

    TheRealDannyyy Hello, any news on it?

  • > TheRealDannyyy no good news (yet).


    > I posted this same topic as a Bug Report:


    > In hindsight I should have started with that.

    TheRealDannyyy Hello, any news on it?

    Didn't really look into this any further. I couldn't reproduce this on my end so I guess some connections are simply not made for longer sessions.

    I don't know Javascript so I can't look into the plugin code either. Sorry.

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