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  • I was thinking about this and how useful it could be. I'm wondering if there might be a way to import an image, say of bricks or some other image that we might make ourselves?

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  • ultrafop

    Can you see the demo now ?


    This is totally weird: I still couldn't see it. Then I went to test another shader that used webgl (Mario cube), came back to this page and it started working.... I have no idea what could have caused that. It is working now though!

  • You could set "on attack finished" to run a function that picks the UID of the attacker and then has a "wait one second" and "play the "attack" animation, making sure the animation is not set to loop. You may be able to do this without a function but that's what comes to mind.

    I'd also set the attack animation to start playing when the variable is one, and not 0, and separate the on attack finished instead of having it be a child of enemy attack = 1.

  • I'm not 100% I understand what you're getting at, but it sounds like the instance you're creating is spawned after dragging and dropping one of these colored objects, is that right?

    I'm assuming you would need to toggle the type of object you're wishing to create (I'm conceptualizing a tower defense style thing here). If that's the case, maybe you can have a variable that changes to the name of whatever object needs to be spawned when you select it. Then, when the colored object is released, it spawns the object with the name of that variable and is destroyed.

    Again, let me know if that's way off base.

  • perhaps your webgl is off?

    Webgl is on in safari. Happens in chrome as well.

  • Hi nice people around the world...

    The original wall sprite is 64x64 .. this one is tiled , after that mapped with hyberbolic function ... the result is nice

    Nebulus tower : https://youtu.be/faPS312Tthk?t=33s

    No need to change the original sprite color ... i ve added r,g,b components for this...

    So what is missing ... platforms.... this need some math but i will see that.. for now

    look the live demo use arrows to rotate tower...



    Hey, my tower is a black bar. Nothing really seems to happen besides the clouds moving in the background. Is that what I'm supposed to see?

  • While I'd love to help, I honestly have no idea how to help without seeing the project - since I don't really know anything about the game and a mere description doesn't indicate how you've gone about creating the mechanic. That's part of why I was wondering about recreating the mechanics in a smaller project. That way you can better pinpoint what is causing the slowdown. As mechanics are added, you can test the game on your phone and when the problem is reproduced you've found your answer about where the issue is. Additionally, that would allow you to share the capx with the community for support.

  • Without any capx this is a serious nut to crack.

    Is it crashing on desktop or just the phone (If it's just the phone, have you tried streaming the game from the PC? Intel XKD?) ?

    Have you tried re-making key game mechs in a separate smaller capx to see if the problem persists in that project?

    Can you screen capture (video) your debugging so people can see what's happening?

    In that order.

  • Mode7 isn't included in C2 and the plugin that was created doesn't have support offered anymore because it's so difficult to use effectively. If you're looking for a curved appearance, I'd recommend using the bulge effect on a layer to get the curved effect. Look at the 'old tv' example included with C2 to see what I'm talking about.

    That being said, the mode7 plugin is here:

    Good luck!

  • In the project bar, scroll down. Right click family and then add new family. From there simply select the objects you want and click the right facing arrow to move them into your family.

  • Try setting all your relevant objects into a family and use the "Set object timescale" option to se the timescale to 0 instead of the overall timescale.

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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