ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Thank you R0J0hound ! That sounds like exactly what I'm hoping for. Thank you for your help!

  • Hello all!

    I am looking for a way to design a scalar that goes from -1 to 1 dependent on the rotation of an object.


    90 = -1

    180 = 1

    270 = -1

    0/360 = 1

    How might I go about this? Math is not my strong suit and any help is appreciated!!

    Edit: I realize a scalar may be the incorrect name for something like this, but I'm not sure what the correct term would be. Happy to learn!

  • This is something that comes up from time to time in the forum. In my experience drops in FPS are usually tied to a lack of optimization. I'm not sure how your project is set up but perhaps something can be done to ease overhead.

  • https://www.cockos.com/licecap/

    If we ever get footer signatures back I'ma put "I'm not a robot" in mine.

    Great! This is exactly what I was I looking for :). Thank you!

    Also, Word haha.

  • Hey all,

    There was some great gif creation freeware posted around these forums awhile ago. I recently had to restore my PC so I'm looking to reinstall it. Since search is currently unavailable on the forums would anyone mind posting whatever they use? It would be greatly appreciated!

  • I read this in 2 ways so I’ll approach it in 2 ways:

    1) (the issue occurs on drag)

    A) Don’t use overlap until touch ends. This way when you’re dragging the menu it doesn’t meet your condition

    B) You can also use a timer with the overlap if you really want that touch involved (you can use your current logic to add to a timer for the instance. If that timer reaches a certain value you would change the animation)

    2) (the issue occurs on drop) You could try snapping your menu to the position to the house and use that as the trigger to the animation change (if menu x/y = house x/y change animation).

  • I’m really sorry but I’m not going to be able to get a capx to you until at least the weekend .

  • I'm not sure you'd need the paster for this. You could probably use a destination atop for a duplicate, upside down sprite (with some alpha adjusted for your purposes) and a clear sprite over the boxes you'd need to reflect with a destination out blend.

  • Are you using your animated sprite as the player controller? I'd use an invisible sprite for that and pin the animated sprite's location (but not angle) to the invisible controller sprite.

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  • I haven't played dwarf fortress so I don't know the exact effect you're looking for but you can definitely make things move in a grid-like pattern.

  • I think it'd be a good idea to animate everything as sprites in an ASCII style instead of using text objects. You'll save a lot of time and technical work.

  • It sounds like you just want a static interface, yeah? Put all of the UI elements in a separate layer with parallax 0,0 and set the layer higher than the other layers containing the player and game elements. Then add the anchor behavior to your UI elements. That should work fine.

  • I misread. What exactly are you hoping to do? I feel like I'm missing it.

  • Have you tried importing other audio and testing that?

  • You can use a service like imgur to host the images and provide links or embedded images here.