ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Hey there. If you are talking about a 3rd party plugin, I'd recommend contacting the author and seeing what's possible with the effect.

  • I'm not sure what to try without seeing how you have your events set up. Is you project small enough to (or early enough in development) to share? If you don't feel comfortable sharing the file, would you mind posting a screenshot of the event sheet?

  • Are there any other differences between the PCs (version of browser, drivers etc) that could be at play? This sounds less like a C2 issue and more like problems occurring with software on the new PC.

  • My pleasure, you two. Best of luck with your projects!

  • Sure thing:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ei1jwouuq5nlr ... .capx?dl=0

    If you don't want to be able to walk left at all simply remove that action from the movement group.

  • Sure, theoretically this is possible. Use unbounded scrolling and logic to load and remove sections depending on X/Y coordinates. You may run into some overhead issues depending on what you're doing exactly.

  • There are a lot of possibilities here depending on the kind of behavior you want these enemies to have. For instance, if and enemy is within X distance of player and is overlapping another enemy at X offset, the enemy could switch to an attack state at that point, rather than continuing to move to it's pre-set destination. It could also just wait in a queue to attack if the enemy doesn't have ranged attacks (which would mean going to your initial action setting it's state and adding logic to account for whether it is overlapping an attacking enemy and within X distance of the player).

    Do these ideas help?

  • Sure, theoretically. What variables are you hoping to work with (e.g. instance, global, local) to add to your global variable?

  • For sure! That's odd that c3 gives a different result...possible bug?

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  • Hopefully this helps:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0meqzkt21ebbf ... .capx?dl=0

    What's going on in the original capx is that the y scroll occurs on the jump command, so the payer's y value is actually lower - or at least different - than the last y scroll value, which leads to a sizable jump in where the "camera" is looking. In my example, I use a value that only updates when the player's y value is less than itself for the scroll. I also could have probably done something like:

    If player.y is less than scroll.y -> set scroll y to player.y

    ...but this only just occurred to me haha.

  • some example based on ultrafop 1st suggestion.

    2nd suggestion will just work at value of 0 other than, will work at weird points like 0, 7, 15 etc.

    That's weird, the second idea works fine for me over here. Here's a link to check it out:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h1c77s9u2qp9 ... .capx?dl=0

  • My pleasure! Best of luck with the project!

  • For sure. I think we're saying the same thing. I'm suggesting you add another counter variable, in addition to the score variable, which adds one to the player every time it hits 10, (then resets to 0). You can add 1 to the variable in the same event you use to add one to your score overall. This way you have a total score and can get your mechanic in.

    Another option could be if score/10 = round(score/10) -> once while true -> add 1 to player health

  • Hey, I'd use a separate variable to do this

    If variable = 10

    once while true -> Add 1 to player health

    set variable to 0

  • Oh, super cool . Thanks for sharing!