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  • First you need to request the file "file_"&"clickedID"&".Text" with AJAX.

    When AJAX request is completed, then you need to use tokenat() to parse the data from the file. So your code should look like this:

    That is it, thanks for that and bravo

  • It looks like you're using an expression like tokenat("file_1.Text", 0, "|"). This looks wrong because it only makes sense to use tokenat if the string actually has the separater character in it. "file_1.Text" has no "|" characters in it, so it won't do anything useful.

    I would guess you intended to load the contents of the file, not pass the name of the file.

    Hi Ashley, I do have a text object with name "file_1" which has all the datas separated by "|" so I am looking at an easier way to call that file in tokenat since I have multiple text object with incremental name.

    If I do this tokenat(file_1.Text, 0, "|") then its fine but I have file_2 ... file_40, so I need a way to load each file data based on the button clicked from previous layout.

  • I have 2 layouts, one layout has multiple buttons so when you click each one, it stored the loopindex of the clicked button in a global variable.

    Now on the 2 layout, I have multiple text files with datas separated by "|". Each text filename is in this format "file_1", "file_2", "file_3", etc.

    So what I am trying to accomplish is when the 2 layout loads, then tokenat should load corresponding file datas.

    tokenat("file_"&"clickedID"&".Text", loopindex, "|")

    The above does not work. Any ideas?


  • Already have in my example, you can scroll but if you release finger, the 1st and the last one will not go too far the top and bottom.

    Hi thanks for the reply. The issue is when I hold down the touch and continue to drag, it goes beyond half of the screen. Same for dragging up.

  • Yes you can import in the text file and load on start.

    And you can change the separator to other if in your quotes have this separator "-".

    Hi how do i prevent the scrolling from going far down or up. I mean it should leave a small gap between the top and first text and also between the bottom and last text.

    I tried using clamp but no luck

  • I have an example for you.

    Hi this is interesting. Just learnt something new today from your sample. Didn't know you could load all the quotes into a text object instead of creating an array and loading from a json file.

    Currently reading through the sample - Thanks

  • anyone with any guide?

  • Feels like a bug. You can report it here:

    Have a look at line 661, it has a NULL value, I think that is where the issue is. Check to see what data was meant to be there.

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  • Hi, I have about 100 quotes with various lengths and I need help on how I can auto load texts when you scroll up and down.

    I would love to have list loaded like this

    And when I click on each, it displays just the text content on a single layout.


  • Hi all, while in this lock down I decided to give C3 a trial. Did lots of reading and got help from the forum and went for a Quiz app for a start. The hardest part of my learning curve was handling each level stats separately and also each game mode stats separately.

    I have it released on Google play store.

    Please feel free to test it out, provide areas I can improve on, even maybe the UI since I had to design it myself.


  • Never mind, figured it out. Downloaded the json file and started copying some part of the data into the new file that works, uploaded it and checked that it displays as table. Did this till I got to the part that it started failing.

    Narrowed it down to an entry that appeared like this:




    Looks like Construct 3 didn't like the data I entered in that cell hence doing this.

  • Hi, I recently started experiencing this issue with my Array files. When I create a new array file, it by defaults shows up as a table where you can adjust width, height, dept. After populating all the data needed, for unknown reason reopening the file switches to showing just as json structure rather than showing me the table.

    I have over 500 data entries and I was trying to add more when this happened.

    How do I fix this?


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