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  • Hi I am creating a devotional app and I have the data stored online in both csv & json format.

    I am wondering if its possible with C3 to read the data from the files online.

    I have searched forum and could only find a plugin which does not seem to work.


  • It's hard to say what's happening without seeing your event sheet or debug output - are you using two separate array objects, one for each array file?

    In C3 you can load multiple arrays from files in sequence as follows:

    On start (or function, or whatever):

    >AJAX: Request array1.json tag "array1"

    >System: Wait for previous actions to complete

    >Array1: Load from JSON string AJAX.LastData

    >AJAX: Request array2.json tag "array2"

    >System: Wait for previous actions to complete

    >Array2: Load from JSON string AJAX.LastData

    Thanks for this, it just resolved an issue for me while trying to load multiple json data files into separate arrays.

  • Ah never mind, just cracked it now. Had to use pick from individual buttons and do the check rather than from the family and that works now.

  • In my quiz game, I have 4 buttons each representing an answer. All 4 are in a family.

    When I click the correct answer, it changes frame for that clicked button. Same happens when you click wrong answer and it shows different frame.

    Now I am trying to also switch frame for the correct answer when you click on the wrong answer at same time but have not been able to crack it.

    Tried using the pick from family and comparing the family ID variable against the correct answer ID variable but it does not work as I think it only picks the ID of the clicked button.

  • Hi yes I have been adding text and making changes and exporting. Was hoping for a much easier way around.

    Also I have clear storage multiple times and its always fine with browser and not phone.

    Just checking how quick my datas are stored and read.

  • For the past 24hrs I have been trying to figure out why my Quiz app which is finished is messing up my datas stored in array and local storage on my mobile phone but not when previewed on browser.

    In my quiz app, the level layout has datas showing percentage of correctly answered questions per level and total questions answered so far.

    When previewed on browser, the level 1 data is fine and when I start level 2 and navigate back, the level 1 data is still there.

    But when I export as is to my phone, its the opposite. The level 1 data resets when I navigate back from level 2.

    So trying to figure out how I can monitor my local storage, array and variable datas on my phone if possible.


  • OK the only way I was able to fix this is using the block pin to an image point - release r195

    So means I have to wait then.

  • Posted in wrong group. This is for Construct 3

  • Hi

    I have 100 level based buttons manually created and lined up. using a for each statement, I set the level number for the text attached to the first level button as a container.

    When tested this automatically generates the rest of the level labels but the issue is only the first label text is in the position set while the rest are all set by default to the center point of the level button.

    I added a second image point to the level button and added an event to position the label text to label button at image point 1 but it ignores that and still uses the default image point.

    How can i work around this?

  • I am not using C2 so these are the screenshots that I changed:

    1) Create 9 squares:

    Please let me know if anything unclear.

    Hi are you able to explain the first part of image number 3 where it checks for matching square. I am keen to understand the bit that says

    for each squares

    square is overlapping block

    Since the square is always moved to bottom layer so would be behind the block, what is this check doing?


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  • Yea I tried the tween option but didn't work well hence I stick with the scaling option. The only challenge I faced sometime with the scaling option is if your image point zero is not in the middle, then it makes the animation look different since it animates towards that point hence no option to force it to animate to another image point.

  • Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has any idea what blocks can make the ball pop out and pop back in in a game like ball sort


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