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  • bigcatrik I have tried it out a bit as well and I really like the gameplay in general, nice work! However, I do not get why you chose that song for the background music as I think it does not match the game.

    Anyway, thanks for the showcase! I like dungeon crawlers :)

    Thanks. I enjoyed making it and am considering a sequel.

    As for the music, I was going for a rockin' horror vibe. Didn't quite get there? Is there a particular game I should check out for the style you had in mind?

  • Funny you mentioned Level 3. I was corner sniping as well, then the enemies with the shields were a challenge, come level 3! Seems like they have more health as well as moving through the corners, like ghosts.

    Great job! :)

    Thanks. It's always nice when (devious) plans work out. :-)

  • I'd be interested to see if you followed a tutorial or you just made this by yourself? Or maybe you could make a tutorial for Doom-like enthusiasts? Or the best solution is sell some engine with examples in the store :)

    Thanks for the kind words.

    A lot was derived from picking apart the 3D demos then adding where necessary. I don't think I've reached any definitive approach to this type of game in Construct so I'll have to keep hacking away at it, most likely in a sequel or follow-up.

    I see you mention "corner sniping" in your comment on the Arcade, but did you get to the third level with the armored ghosts? That's supposed to be a surprise for the corner snipers. And, yes, "better enemy AI" is high on my "to do" list.

  • Do you have extensions running and/or other tabs open?

    Can you run it in an incognito window?

    My new 3D game VAULT OF PERIL (on the Scirra Arcade) was made entirely with a fairly low-end Chromebook (Celeron, 4GB RAM) and was a pleasant experience (no crashes, responsive performance). I have 11 extensions running and, maybe, 2-4 other tabs open when using Construct.


    I've been experimenting with the 3D capabilities of Construct 3 since the beta and here's my result -- a challenging retro early-90s FPS with five levels.

    It uses only the internal 3D capabilities and the 50-event limitation of the free version (which is maxed), though (hopefully) has surprises and increasing challenges throughout its playtime.

    Play it now on the Scirra Arcade. I hope you remember how to circle strafe (especially for the end of level 2: Labyrinth of Despair)...

  • Hey. With C3's recently added 3D camera feature I started experementing with it's possibilities and stuck on making shooting FPS mechanic.

    Imagine an enemy, standing on the high ground. How do I reach him from below?

    How do I make a bullet that will fly up and down in the direction of my view?


    This guy has done some wizardry with 1st and 3rd person 3D cameras in C3, though when I really tried to dig into it I decided to stick with the simpler approach in the C3 demos for my retro (early) 90s FPS, which I should be releasing very soon.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • > 3) Create a container on the 3d shape and join the sprite object.

    Doing this creates an extra sprite at runtime that is laying flat on the ground where the 3D object is placed in the scene, which is left behind when the 3D object moves away during gameplay. I solved it by running a "for each" on the 3D objects and moving these extra sprites to "0, 0" (which is outside of the player's area) but this doesn't seem efficient.

    For example, before the "for each" workaround the picture below shows the 3D object (skeleton standing up) and the extra sprite (skeleton flat on the ground) created by containerizing the two.

    Is there a way to not get an extra sprite while still using a container? Since I have to set the animation frame randomly for each skeleton, putting them in a container seems mandatory.

    Or, C3 programmers, can we get an option to *not* create extra sprites when a container is using sprites for its textures (though I know 3D isn't high on the priorities)?



  • That mouselook behavior allows side-to-side and circle strafing, which is important in an FPS, or what we used to call "Doom clones."

    The other C3 3D FPS example (with the pigs) uses the car behavior and might behave more like what you want, but it doesn't have a jump nor can it move beyond ground level. You'd have to add those in yourself, possibly by combining events from both of these projects.

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  • Zoom in: (Ctrl + =) or (Ctrl + "numpad +")

    Zoom out: (Ctrl + -) or (Ctrl + "numpad -")

    Zooms in or out to the mouse position.

  • I know the 3D features are very new, but are there any hints on what scale to use? Is there a standard, like the default 3D cube being equal to a meter/yard/other, or is it arbitrary?

    My background is in 3D using real-world measurements so I feel a little strange ignoring it.

  • (My post from last night won't show up, perhaps because I included a link, so here's the information again, without a link.)

    Also is there a way to stop the editor updating itself automatically?

    You can manually load a previous version (back to Beta R12) if you follow the "Releases" link from the new web site's front page and click "Launch."

  • Is the new "remote preview" feature missing for anyone else too? In the blog post its supposed to show up next to the regular preview menu.

    It's there if I right-click the project name in the browser on the right, but I couldn't get it to connect when I opened a new Chrome window.

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