How do I add an animation to a 3D object?

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Customize the animation of character when item changed
  • im working on an FPS with the 3D camera

    i'm adding an enemy with multiple frames to properly animate it, but I can't figure out how to animate 3-D objects so I can use all the frames

    I can do it with regular sprites, but that means the the enemy is just on the ground!

    ANYTHING that can help me in this regard will be MUCH appreciated!

    Because if any form of animation of a 3-D object editing in my FPS can't be used I will have to scratch the idea,

    if you need more information or something I will be HAPPY to respond! I need any kind of information :(


  • 1) Create a sprite object with all the enemy animations

    2) Create a 3D Shape Object

    3) Create a container on the 3d shape and join the sprite object.

    4) Set the desired 3d shape face to the sprite object. Now you can control the animations through the sprite object.

    5) Set width of the 3d shape object always to sprite.imagewidth and z height to animation frame in the form of sprite.imageheight / 3dcamera.zscale

    Be aware of nasty z-ordering / camera distance transparency clipping though.

  • 1) Create a sprite object with all the enemy animations

    2) Create a 3D Shape Object

    3) Create a container on the 3d shape and join the sprite object.

    4) Set the desired 3d shape face to the sprite object. Now you can control the animations through the sprite object.

    5) Set width of the 3d shape object always to sprite.imagewidth and z height to animation frame in the form of sprite.imageheight / 3dcamera.zscale

    Be aware of nasty z-ordering / camera distance transparency clipping though.


  • > 3) Create a container on the 3d shape and join the sprite object.

    Doing this creates an extra sprite at runtime that is laying flat on the ground where the 3D object is placed in the scene, which is left behind when the 3D object moves away during gameplay. I solved it by running a "for each" on the 3D objects and moving these extra sprites to "0, 0" (which is outside of the player's area) but this doesn't seem efficient.

    For example, before the "for each" workaround the picture below shows the 3D object (skeleton standing up) and the extra sprite (skeleton flat on the ground) created by containerizing the two.

    Is there a way to not get an extra sprite while still using a container? Since I have to set the animation frame randomly for each skeleton, putting them in a container seems mandatory.

    Or, C3 programmers, can we get an option to *not* create extra sprites when a container is using sprites for its textures (though I know 3D isn't high on the priorities)?



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  • Deactivate the sprite flag "initially visible". This way, it won't be rendered anywhere.

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