VAULT OF PERIL - 3D FPS made with Construct's 3D engine [5-level game on Scirra Arcade]

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    I've been experimenting with the 3D capabilities of Construct 3 since the beta and here's my result -- a challenging retro early-90s FPS with five levels.

    It uses only the internal 3D capabilities and the 50-event limitation of the free version (which is maxed), though (hopefully) has surprises and increasing challenges throughout its playtime.

    Play it now on the Scirra Arcade. I hope you remember how to circle strafe (especially for the end of level 2: Labyrinth of Despair)...

  • I've only played the first few levels, but this is really impressive! Especially for 50 events. I'll see how far I can get on my poor trackpad...keep up the great work!

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  • Very very good! Keep up the awesome work and if you decide to improve upon it, I left some ideas on a comment in the arcade :D

  • I'd be interested to see if you followed a tutorial or you just made this by yourself? Or maybe you could make a tutorial for Doom-like enthusiasts? Or the best solution is sell some engine with examples in the store :)

    Thanks for the kind words.

    A lot was derived from picking apart the 3D demos then adding where necessary. I don't think I've reached any definitive approach to this type of game in Construct so I'll have to keep hacking away at it, most likely in a sequel or follow-up.

    I see you mention "corner sniping" in your comment on the Arcade, but did you get to the third level with the armored ghosts? That's supposed to be a surprise for the corner snipers. And, yes, "better enemy AI" is high on my "to do" list.

  • I played through this one last night, and had a lot of fun :). Reminds me of some of the First Person games I used to play as a kid. Funny you mentioned Level 3. I was corner sniping as well, then the enemies with the shields were a challenge, come level 3! Seems like they have more health as well as moving through the corners, like ghosts.

    Great job! :)

  • Funny you mentioned Level 3. I was corner sniping as well, then the enemies with the shields were a challenge, come level 3! Seems like they have more health as well as moving through the corners, like ghosts.

    Great job! :)

    Thanks. It's always nice when (devious) plans work out. :-)

  • > Funny you mentioned Level 3. I was corner sniping as well, then the enemies with the shields were a challenge, come level 3! Seems like they have more health as well as moving through the corners, like ghosts.


    > Great job! :)

    Thanks. It's always nice when (devious) plans work out. :-)


  • bigcatrik I have tried it out a bit as well and I really like the gameplay in general, nice work! However, I do not get why you chose that song for the background music as I think it does not match the game.

    Anyway, thanks for the showcase! I like dungeon crawlers :)

  • bigcatrik I have tried it out a bit as well and I really like the gameplay in general, nice work! However, I do not get why you chose that song for the background music as I think it does not match the game.

    Anyway, thanks for the showcase! I like dungeon crawlers :)

    Thanks. I enjoyed making it and am considering a sequel.

    As for the music, I was going for a rockin' horror vibe. Didn't quite get there? Is there a particular game I should check out for the style you had in mind?

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