maxwell88's Recent Forum Activity

  • You can add NPC sprite to a family and move LineOfSight behavior to the family level. Then you will be able to pick family instances independently from NPC instances.

    > Bullet on collision with NPC
    .. FamilyNPC has LOS to LPC : FamilyNPC set animation to "shoked"

    if i understand well, i make that code, i set 'destroy NPC' witness to be sure he have seen this action:

    i need to make event to NPC not to family because all instance variables already have 'NPC' Like AI behavior, and other statistics. So This new family dont have this stats

    i also try use function:

    but also dont work

  • I have sprite 'Bullet', 'Player' and 'NPC'

    NPC have behavior Line of sight

    i put few this same NPC's on map

    now when i shoot thru one NPC and this NPC will be hurt (or killed)

    when OTHER NPC see this should have some reaction, for example turn color to RED

    how can i do this?

  • Ok understand.

    I didnt know i just open and use 'First Person Platformer' template to start making my own game and learn and this template have Default Z axis scale as Normalized. I thought this was how it was supposed to be

    You can't change the FOV in Normalized Z axis-mode, because it's mathematically impossible.

    Normalized mode means that for a 100% zoom, the camera is at Z=100 (the "default camera Z"). To achieve this with any viewport size, it adjusts the FOV to meet these requirements. If you changed the FOV then Z=100 would no longer correspond to 100% zoom, and so you're not using normalized mode any more.

    This is why you need to set the Z axis scale to Regular in order to change the FOV - which in turn changes the default camera Z (which you can see in the 3D Camera object's properties).

    Normalized mode is designed for 2D games, so my advice is if you are using any kind of 3D view with the 3D Camera object, then you should switch to regular mode.

  • When you switch to REGULAR you need to readjust your 3d objects Z height properties (z height not z elevation), so if you want say a cube to look correct make sure the z height is the same as the objects width and height properties.

    Also i think an FOV of 90 is quite high, it might produce a "Fish eye" look?

    hmmm, when option in past was set default as Normalized, all z 3d obiect height looks normal in game

    i need just little wider field of view in FPS game, i read somewhere on forum, Defauld FOV is 72 thats why i think 90 should be better.

    OMG i have lot of obiect to change if i should readjust z height...

  • Yes, under the projects properties panel. Change Z axis scale to regular and the FOV option will appear.


    When i use normalizet game looks normal, but when i chose Reular and type number between 45 and 90 game on preview looks weirg, all 3d elements are squizzed and field of view are extremaly wide

  • its possible to change Field of view for 3d camera in FPS game when i start using Normalized z Axis scale ?


  • You didn't add a tag to the text. Try appending this text:

    > "[tag=foo]New option[/tag]"

    And also check if the tag "foo" is at (Mouse.X, Mouse.y) position, not at (0,0)

    whoa! awsome, thats working its all what i need. thanks

  • You can use new tags added in the latest beta:

    i try make some event but have no idea how this should work ;D

    on start of layout i append new looking text

    when i click 'New option' nothing happen

  • I have One text obiect with typed few options

    I need to click with LMB one of option Option 1 or Option 2, or Option 3

    when i choose by clicking in Text2 i see information

    I know i can make each Text Object for each option but its possible to do this without new text object for each in layout?

    I ask because i have use 'append' to add options, when in game i have Option 1 at start and append Option 3 for example i need to chave posibility to check info about new appended option

  • Maybe try making the width negative.

    If that doesn’t work then it is possible to take a sprite with a distort mesh to position the corners any way you want. But you’ll have to mess with a fair amount of math.

    you have right, is one way to do this, when width have 50px i set -50px to receive result

  • Chat GPT says its not possible, he is right?

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  • I use Example for start page:

    What i must do to make mirrorred piggy billboard?

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