maxwell88's Forum Posts

  • To select the random enemy use system pick a random instance of enemy. Use a variable on the enemy to enable when it's selected and the AP is reducing. Then you compare if enemy.variable=true and enemy.AP=0 then run the random pick again.

    I have last question, how can i check, all enemies have no AP left?

    to make Player turn events should check there are no Action Points for Enemies left ?

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  • To select the random enemy use system pick a random instance of enemy. Use a variable on the enemy to enable when it's selected and the AP is reducing. Then you compare if enemy.variable=true and enemy.AP=0 then run the random pick again.

    that working, thanks

  • In the game, I use one sprite to have several enemies who are identical sprites placed in different locations on the layout.

    Each enemy has an instance variable called ‘AP,’ and they all start with 10 AP.

    Now, when I press the spacebar (start his turn), a sequence of events should occur. First, the system selects ONE random enemy, sets a timer to decrement its AP by 1 every 0.1 seconds until it reaches 0. Once an enemy’s AP reaches 0, the system selects the next enemy, and the process repeats. When all enemies have 0 AP do something, for example start Player turn. How can I achieve this?

  • Original ones is this tiles on start, i placed this tile in layout

  • in my project i have many sprites called 'tile'

    i place all tiles manually (because all tiles must have own variables with needed number at start)

    this works, but i need to create for each tile in a column.

    For example if i have 5 tiles in a column i need to create 5 new tiles on right side to build bridge

    If i have thin bridge using in column olny 2 tiles, 2 tiles should be added on right side.

    In my game event choose only one tile... ;/

    below i receive tiles only in one row

    i need to receive tiles in all rows


  • how can i set events to move using sliders only this two mesh points?

    i try change row / column variable but i receive weird result

  • Hi, i reinstall my windows, and now when i run construct 3 every time i must again add all plugins. why that happen or better how can i fix this?

  • Turns out GetMonth returns a number from 0 to 11 (which is quite silly).

    So October is number 9

    Awsome, thankyou.

  • Compare two values: Date.GetMonth(Date.Now)=10

    Compare two values: Date.GetDate(Date.Now)=31

    Hi thanks for tips i try this code, i type 28 (todays date)

    (I set sprite properties to not initialy visible at start)

    this two options dont want work

    in my opinion something wrong is with Date.GetMonth(Date.Now)

    because when i toogle disable this one line, condition is working

  • Use the Date object. It has lots of conditions allowing to check the current date, month, time etc.

    yeah its lot of conditions, too many for me, please tell me where to start ?

  • its possible to add condition in my game, when date is 31.10 do something in game events?

    but when is other date do nothing?

    this should work even if we have year 2023, 2024 ,2025 etc

  • > i need to make event to NPC not to family because all instance variables already have 'NPC' Like AI behavior, and other statistics

    See this tutorial:

    You can do this without a family, but it's more difficult.

    OK i check this out :)

  • You can add NPC sprite to a family and move LineOfSight behavior to the family level. Then you will be able to pick family instances independently from NPC instances.

    > Bullet on collision with NPC
    .. FamilyNPC has LOS to LPC : FamilyNPC set animation to "shoked"

    if i understand well, i make that code, i set 'destroy NPC' witness to be sure he have seen this action:

    i need to make event to NPC not to family because all instance variables already have 'NPC' Like AI behavior, and other statistics. So This new family dont have this stats

    i also try use function:

    but also dont work

  • I have sprite 'Bullet', 'Player' and 'NPC'

    NPC have behavior Line of sight

    i put few this same NPC's on map

    now when i shoot thru one NPC and this NPC will be hurt (or killed)

    when OTHER NPC see this should have some reaction, for example turn color to RED

    how can i do this?

  • Ok understand.

    I didnt know i just open and use 'First Person Platformer' template to start making my own game and learn and this template have Default Z axis scale as Normalized. I thought this was how it was supposed to be

    You can't change the FOV in Normalized Z axis-mode, because it's mathematically impossible.

    Normalized mode means that for a 100% zoom, the camera is at Z=100 (the "default camera Z"). To achieve this with any viewport size, it adjusts the FOV to meet these requirements. If you changed the FOV then Z=100 would no longer correspond to 100% zoom, and so you're not using normalized mode any more.

    This is why you need to set the Z axis scale to Regular in order to change the FOV - which in turn changes the default camera Z (which you can see in the 3D Camera object's properties).

    Normalized mode is designed for 2D games, so my advice is if you are using any kind of 3D view with the 3D Camera object, then you should switch to regular mode.