How do I create new sprite on right of sprite?

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • in my project i have many sprites called 'tile'

    i place all tiles manually (because all tiles must have own variables with needed number at start)

    this works, but i need to create for each tile in a column.

    For example if i have 5 tiles in a column i need to create 5 new tiles on right side to build bridge

    If i have thin bridge using in column olny 2 tiles, 2 tiles should be added on right side.

    In my game event choose only one tile... ;/

    below i receive tiles only in one row

    i need to receive tiles in all rows


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  • How are you deciding on the original tile? You need to choose the tile that they are spawning from in a unique way then problem solved.

  • Original ones is this tiles on start, i placed this tile in layout

  • Still not getting the design of the game, you press the enter key and a tile spawns from a specific tile ? You need to give it unique identifier like a variable value or you can use the UID since it is created in the layout before runtime, this will pick the tile you need to spawn from. So instead of pick furthest tile condition it would be pick tile where variable = 1 or where UID = 1 for example.

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