maxwell88's Forum Posts

  • in foggy outbreak, zombies have always one look, can someboty explain me how make not mirrored when zombie is on left side from cursor and mirrored when is on right?

  • The easier thing to do is add more global variables if you have different weapons. pistolAmmo, shotgunAmmo etc. You can have another variable for 'currently equipped weapon' where 0 is pistol and 1 is shotgun. You subtract from ammo depending on the equipped weapon.

    When you use instance variables like that all you're doing is moving what could be a global variable into a more difficult way of doing the same thing because now you have to pick instances.

    You could think about using instances and variables if your items and ammo are being stored in an inventory array, then they could relate easier but I think you're not using an array.

    I try use many global variables before, for each ammoType, this dont works well with inventory slots. Example: its impossible to make two this same ammo type in two other slots

    Slot1 12x ammo, Slot2 24x ammo

  • Create a sub event and compare on reload : if (maxammo-clipammo) greater than ammoleft, add ammoleft to clipammo and set ammoleft to 0. ELSE do the previously mentioned logic.

    Hello again, im wondering, its possible to make this same events but without global variables?

    i try to make something similiar but with instance variables of One sprite.

    If sprite have instance variables:

    -'ammoleft' "100"


    -'maxammo' in clip "12 (this variable can stay as a global variable if that help, because maxc ammo clip i can change easily in events)

    -'Type' 0 or 1

    type 0 means is inventory type sprite and should be storage for 'ammo left' instance variable.

    type 1 means its weapon, and use 'ammo in clip' and 'max ammo' too

    so i have in layout two sprites (the same sprite object) with variables:

    'Type 0' and 'ammo left' is 100


    second sprite 'Type 1' its storage for 'ammo clip'

    When i tap 'R" reload weapon and fill clip size

    After shoot, from sprite 'Type 1' substract 1 from his 'ammo clip' variable

    (Because in future when i add other weapons, each weapon should not use this same global variables)

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  • Draw calls are instructions from the CPU to the GPU on what to render.

    Very very simplified it means: the more visible objects are on screen the higher the draw calls. (it's more complex bc of batching etc)

    Maybe you have some events that keeps creating objects? Take a look in the debugger and see if object count keeps rising.

    Another thing that is very expensive is updating a text object every tick.

    thanks for explonatiom i have first person 3d game so its true when i have camera on front to the city i have draw calls 24% bu when i look at empty space draw calls is 10%

    also i will take look at events

  • Inspector in preview showing more and more draw calls, what this mean and how can i stop this or fix this?

  • hello, how i can look/ rotate camera (similiar like in mouse rotation) with Game Pad analog stick?


    how i can move cursor via GamePad analog?

  • Tagged:

  • i also looking solution for this. i try add sine to 3dCamera but sine dosent work with Z position

  • Im FPS shooter template i try add Sine object into 3dCamera object (but its not possible) i want shake up and down or wave 3d camera when player is move

  • ie: int(13.5451) gives you 13

    thanks for explonation of all system expressions

    i need receive: "13.5451"

    not 13

  • If you start with 10 and want it to be 0, you'll need to subtract 10. What does 300 skill need to be divided by to equal 10?

    You're going to want a basic understanding of algebra, or you're not going to get very far making a game.

    im trying, i try modify your code but i dont understand how it works, how i receive not rounded digits? i need to receive for example 9.5, 1.4, 0.5 etc (maximum should be 10, but minimum 0)


    here is better example, shows whats going on

    Ashley maybe 3d Shape object should have event action 'Spawn another object' ?

  • Sounds easy but dont want working in my project.

    When i add texture animation to container, on run game each 3D object spawn for each texture, but this texture starts playing animation at start and when Event create New 3d object All textures play again. i try upload this code.

  • Sure, I'll see what I can do. I can't download that file though, please share it with open access.

    ah yeah, o upload here:

  • i have suggestion:

    Please add new Condition for 3D Shape object. When 'Face is playing' for check what texture is use in each side of 3d pbject.

    also optional 'spawn other object'