Draw call geting higher and higher, how fix this?

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  • Inspector in preview showing more and more draw calls, what this mean and how can i stop this or fix this?

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  • Draw calls are instructions from the CPU to the GPU on what to render.

    Very very simplified it means: the more visible objects are on screen the higher the draw calls. (it's more complex bc of batching etc)

    Maybe you have some events that keeps creating objects? Take a look in the debugger and see if object count keeps rising.

    Another thing that is very expensive is updating a text object every tick.

  • Draw calls are instructions from the CPU to the GPU on what to render.

    Very very simplified it means: the more visible objects are on screen the higher the draw calls. (it's more complex bc of batching etc)

    Maybe you have some events that keeps creating objects? Take a look in the debugger and see if object count keeps rising.

    Another thing that is very expensive is updating a text object every tick.

    thanks for explonatiom i have first person 3d game so its true when i have camera on front to the city i have draw calls 24% bu when i look at empty space draw calls is 10%

    also i will take look at events

  • ok, for a 3D game you can lower the far distance under advanced in the project properties.

    This would make it so far away objects aren't rendered. (you can use the effect fog (exponential) on the layer with the 3D objects to mask the pop-in/out)

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