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  • I'd like to have an NPC follow my player in the same fashion Yoshi's eggs do in Yoshi's Island. I haven't been able to find any examples or anything on this though. Does anyone have any idea how it can be done?

    (There's a platformer demo that comes with GM:S that does this but I know very little GML so meh.)

  • I can't get this working in the latest version of Chrome/NW. It works fine with FF and the rest though. What about you guys?

  • lol back up.

    For your player object.. animate him attacking with the weapon, then erase the weapon.

    For your weapon object.. use the same frames but erase the player.

    Since they were the exact same frames & hotspots, they will align perfectly. Crop all the frames & set collision polys when you're done and you're good to go.

  • And these are bitmap fonts. They are to be used like tilesets. Again - every character is the same size. No problems.

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  • Sounds like the problem is with your bitmap fonts, man. Usually each character is the same size.

  • Assuming your tiles are 32x32 in size...

    +On clicked

    -Erase tile Mouse.X/32 , Mouse.Y/32

  • +1 Managing objects in custom level editors is brutal right now. This would significantly lighten the workload.

  • Give the penguin both behaviors and enable/disable as needed. There is an action & property for it.

  • Eh, not really. Metroidvanias are very complex and it takes a lot of know-how to build them in C2. The layout system is geared towards level-based games and not very practical for 'vanias, so you pretty much have to load your rooms externally.

    What I did first was build a minimap in Tiled using rectangle objects & map tiles. Each object represented a .tmx with the actual room. I then added the HUD mini-map to the game which loads whichever room the cursor is highlighting after a room transition has finished, and destroys everything in the previous one. Here's that in action:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Problem with this method is it's very time-consuming to add rooms and it's easy to forget which rooms go where and so on.

    Due to this I've started working on a 2-in-1 metroidvania world editor where you can build a minimap in a grid in the corner, then click a minimap room to view and edit the actual room it represents. Then I do the same as above as far as loading rooms go.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It still has a long way to go, as you can see. All I can say is learn everything you can about dictionaries, TMXImporter, Tiled, and node webkit's file system, and experiment!

  • Yeah it's working now :) Just had to re-download.

  • There used to be. Not so much anymore. Also if you're going to make a metroidvania you might want to look into building your own world editor - using layouts is not very practical regardless of which program you use, including GM and some others.

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