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  • mOOnpunk Take a moment to upvote the feature suggestion and add any issues I didn't list if you haven't already.

  • Nice to hear it will be improved in the future on Chrome's part.

    I have to mention though, I tested this with the default theme and noticed there was significantly less lag/slowdown, so the Dark Theme does in fact cause a hit in performance.

    Ashley A while back I suggested a dark theme with no stylistic alterations. I love the default theme but cannot use it because it's too bright. Considering the performance implications and other annoyances in the current dark/light themes, do you think this will be an option in the future? I have a paid offer for this as well but no one is willing to accept because the existing themes are closed-source and they don't want to do it from scratch.

  • Worth noting my CPU shoots up to ~35% just from expanding and collapsing events and scrolling around. I think some optimization is in order here...

  • Probably Cyber Shadow. But it might still be in C2. And it's still in development.

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  • Well, I'm at least glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this.

    My project was ported from C2. The exact same event sheets had absolutely no lag in C2. C3 & my project are operating on an SSD.

    Browser-based editors FTW, yeah? Ugh. I assumed it was something to do with this and haven't been proven wrong yet. For the record, disabling the dark theme does help a bit, but there's still some lag on my largest event sheet. I'm not about to disable that, my poor eyes need it.

    NetOne Only chrome extensions I have are dark reader and Adblock. I'm running the desktop version anyway so these should be completely disabled.

    Side note...the layout editor is super responsive and I've got some preeeetty massive areas in there. Perhaps we can have the GPU help out with the event sheet editor too? lol

  • Pseudocode:

    +Upon death

    +Repeat 8 times

    -Create particle at megaman

    -Set angle of motion to loopindex * (360 / 8)

    -wait 0.5 seconds

    -Copy/paste the above actions with necessary adjustments

    Give the particles the bullet behavior

  • Ashley

    (Disclaimer: Specs are i5-6600k, GTX 1080ti, 16gb RAM. GPU setting in C3 on high performance. Using C3 Desktop)

    I occasionally get a "bad preview" where my game is a bit laggy and - especially noteworthy - my music is noticeably slower than usual. If I close and preview again, it run just fine.

    Normal Preview

    Bad Preview

    (turn volume up)

    Wasn't sure if I should report a bug or not...I don't think this is going to be an easy thing to reproduce. Anyone else run into this? Any solutions?

  • Ashley

    (Disclaimer: Specs are i5-6600k, GTX 1080ti, 16gb RAM. GPU setting in C3 on high performance. Dark theme.)

    I find that in my larger event sheets, C3 has a hard time keeping up. There's a distinct delay to every action - Highlighting or rearranging events, opening the action or condition window, clicking OK or cancel on any expression window, etc. all takes up to 0.5 seconds per. Said event sheets aren't even that big (300-800 events).

    I'm posting to see if others have this issue, if I need to report a bug, or if the event sheet editor just needs some optimizing and if there are plans to do so.

    Technically I could break down the event sheets into smaller ones and use a bunch of includes, but I shouldn't have to. I prefer the setup I have here and used with no issues in C2.

  • Meh, sounds worse than it is. You're basically just recording the states of certain objects in a dictionary. It's only a pain when you get to lots of object types..but again, families.

    You won't get near the level of control with save/load or even persist behavior, and can do things neither of them allow you to.

    In my game there's giant stalactites that can be shot down from the ceiling. They fall down and to the layout below, creating platforms to jump on. (In reality they just fall's implied) By using this method, I can prevent the original stalactites from spawning again, and basically reverse the code to have the fallen platform stalactites spawn. Just one nifty thing you can do.

    Could ask around for a plugin, I suppose. Plugin dev isn't my forte.

  • What I personally do is store either the JSON string of an object, or an identifier (usually IID or custom value), or both, to a dictionary for later reference. Then, at the start of the layout I loop through the dictionary and if the object(s) ID matches the key name, it will load by JSON string, be destroyed, or do whatever else I want depending on the value.'s an example

    Let's say I'm in Level 2 and I pushed a crate that I want to save the position of for later.

    +At End of Layout
    -Add key to dictionary: LevelName &","& Crate.IID with value Crate.AsJSON
    +At start of layout
    	+for each dictionary element
    	+for each crate
    	+LevelName = tokenat(dictionary.currentvalue, 0, ",")
    	+Crate.IID = int(tokenat(dictionary.currentvalue, 1, ","))
    	-Load crate from JSON

    (I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea)

    It can be a lot of work, and a royal pain in the ass, but you get complete control over your object states. Also, families help. Perhaps a plugin can make it a little easier.

  • I understand. My apologies. I've been frustrated with numerous editor bugs for the desktop version since renewing my license a few days ago. I've got most of them reported though.

  • Ashley I don't use 3rd party addons. The desktop version of C3 is just wonky and hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. New features can wait when the fundamentals like this are unstable.

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