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  • rojohound Thank you so much! You never fail to impress with this stuff. I think the arc is more in line with what I'm thinking. Forgive my terminology my math is (obviously) quite rusty as well. I'll give this a shot soon.

    oosyrag I will try r0j0hound's method but yes ideally the object will move accurately and at a constant rate from A to B with C being the curve. All 3 points will be adjustable (but not during motion). I think bezier curve or arc might be more appropriate terms.

  • How would I go about moving an object in a simple parabola from point A to B? No acc/dec, no varying speed, no platform behavior, etc. Just a simple linear tween but with a curve.

    I've searched around but everything I found has bizarre quirks or the above.

    I see the timeline supports bezier curves now but this is for an enemy behavior with dynamic points to jump to so I don't think that'll work either.

  • Ashley Thanks for the detailed reply. To be fair I didn't expect an automatic conversion! I totally understand that it will be difficult and maybe not even possible due to the issues you mentioned - they're just too different. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't on the horizon before I spend the next few days converting them all by hand. I misread an earlier post thinking the old functions would be "removed" (and converted) instead of "deprecated" so that's my bad! I know I don't have to convert all of my functions now, but would like to for the sake of cohesion/organization and potential performance gains cause I suuuuure use them a lot.

  • Ashley I want to update all of my existing functions to use the new system, but wanted to make sure a future build won't do this automatically before I do so. I read that the old function object will be removed soon, so it might be a possibility?

  • Yep tween behavior does all of this and is an official Scirra behavior. Moveto is obsolete.

  • SVN or Git with GUI's...and a lot of alcohol to ease the pain cause Construct isn't the most friendly with em.

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  • Yeah I guess I'd have to, huh? Then just compare >= for any it skipped over for values greater than 1.

    I thought an expression that at 30 fps adds 2, or 120fps adds 0.5, and so on, would be more accurate..but fps is never perfectly stable, would result in floats, and is functionally similar to dt anyway so...blah.

  • As the title says, what is the absolute fastest way to add 1 to a variable while retaining framerate independence?

    "Every tick" is fps dependent, "every 0.01 seconds" is not reliable, "n * dt" does not give the effect I'm looking for, and so on, so I'm not sure what to use.

  • Ashley

    I'm trying to use either Git or SVN with my team so that they can make levels while I continue working on code and such elsewhere.

    My thinking was that if they only work on existing layouts (adding, moving, modifying instances, etc.) and don't touch anything else or create any new objects, we'll be fine. Likewise, I will not touch they layouts they're working in, and instead do my work in separate testing layouts.

    However, it's sometimes necessary for them to create a new tilemap, tiledBG, or sprite, and I think we got a conflict from cloning a new object at one point, or adding it to sub-folder...not sure.

    So my question is, what should they avoid as to prevent conflicts in the .c3proj or elsewhere? Can they create new objects? New Layouts? New layers?

    A rundown on how C3 is compatible with version control software / best practices / what to avoid would be very helpful.

  • I've brought this up a dozen times over the years, referring to "Default Instances". Usually requesting a way to select an instance and click a button to make it the one that all future instances inherit their properties from.

    Each time I'm met with "we don't need that" / "the current system is just fine" / "the default instance is the first one in the top-most layout" (which isn't covered anywhere in the manual and isn't always true) etc. etc. and I'm honestly a bit flabbergasted.

    I've resorted to using an "Object Bank" - a top-most layout where every first instance is created. It works for the most part, but isn't perfect.

  • Incredible work, matpow2 I'm always excited to see new developments with Chowdren and that everything is going well.

    Chances of getting picked up by a publisher/producer without console exports are extremely low. Chowdren opens many doors for hobbyists and startups to bridge that gap. Keep it up!

  • tgeorgemihai Iconoclasts was CC & Chowdren. Speaks well to the latter's capabilities!

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