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  • Prominent What Ashley said was mostly regarding the image editor. You're suggesting we sacrifice dozens of features and C2's entire layout editor for ONE NEW FEATURE. Come on, man. On top of everything said in this thread, you also need to hard-code every single object and tilemap creation and property if using Tiled since C2 does not provide adequate features for using external or custom editors. I've done it before many times and I'm not doing it again. So for the last time, I'm not f*cking using Tiled, and I don't recommend others use it either.

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  • Ruskul The layouts were tiny. I know C2's limits quite well. The problem was that we had to use sprite objects as tiles back then, so we'd have hundreds if not thousands of those scattered around.

    Prominent So what? C2 has a vastly superior integrated WYSIWYG editor that is far more versatile to boot. Just because we can opt to use Tiled doesn't mean similar functionality in C2 should be blown off. Ruskul makes some good points there in terms of work flow, debugging, and so on.

  • I give up.

  • I only developed a large-scale game with 2 other devs over the course of 9 months with Tiled. I think I would know a thing or two about it and the problems we faced.

  • Can we please just forget about Tiled for a minute? I've already explained in this thread and others why C2 devs shouldn't use it, and that was just the half of it. This is not about Tiled, its about C2's tilemap object.

  • Bump :T

  • +1. I could never figure out a decent way to pull this off aside from adding 1 row of extra tiles and stretching backgrounds outside of the level / viewport.

    I suppose increasing the layout scale by 0.1 and then shaking would work, but some people might notice, and it'd look bad for low-resolution games.

    Perhaps, if this shader were to be made, it could duplicate the outside rows of pixels starting from a certain point. So if you're using 16x16 tiles it'd be 16, giving the illusion that there is another row of tiles outside of the level. If you only duplicate the outside row of pixels then it'd look smeared.

  • I always hated default instances. Instead there should just be the 'default object' stored in the object bar. Not only do you NEED an instance in a layout, but you can't change which instance is the default one that future instances inherit their properties from. This can cause issues down the road, especially if you forgot to create a default instance in an object-bank layout.

    Also the issue you brought up seems like a bug to me.

  • 1) I believe it's instance-based, so no.

    2) Eh, probably not.

    3) Rendering cells are generally used for scenery in extremely large layouts. If your levels are moderately sized then there likely won't be any discernible difference.

  • Well not to be rude but this is very elementary stuff. It's pointless to add some built-in animation angle thing when you can do it yourself, and much more, with little effort.

    This is how everyone else does it anyway. Construct Classic only had animation angles because Multimedia Fusion did. Once it was discovered how useless and limiting they are, they were removed in C2.

  • No need. Just use a variable and name your animations like Jump_0. Then set animations like "Jump_" & variable. Far more versatile this way.

  • helena With a few changes to the tilemap object, Tiled would be a viable solution for all tile based games large or small. Either way, I'd much rather use a level editor integrated and designed around C2 than some generic one. Using an external editor can be very limiting.

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