Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Image count has a huge impact on preview and export times

    Probably won't see any improvement here until C3

    Don't buy anything from AMD

    Stencyl's preview/export times are significantly longer. I am quite alright with C2's after learning this.

    S'all I got.

    I would like to see NW.js build options though. I don't care if 4 different builds take the same amount of time to process; it's really annoying having to delete a bunch of them and rename folders every single time.

  • Unfortunately this is something all sellers just have to deal with on any market. At least here you can contact a buyer to try to solve their problem and ask them to remove the bad review afterwards...provided they leave a written review and not just an anonymous rating, that is.

  • In short, surround each room with a "zone" using a sprite or 9-patch. If the player enters a new zone, destroy the enemies/objects outside of its bounding box and use 'recreate initial objects' inside of its bounding box. To be extra safe you can destroy objects outside of the previous room first, then recreate the new room, then destroy everything outside of the new room. Depends on the type of transition you want, really.

    Not to shamelessly advertise, but my Metroidvania Game Kit does exactly this

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  • Works for me. Debugger's busted though

  • If you're gonna be spreading out a simple grass texture like that then the Tiled Background Object is probably more suitable. Tilemaps with extra details can go over that.

    Or you can just use Tiled's fill tool and import the .tmx into a C2 tilemap object in the layout editor.

  • (Would be nice for C2 but will probably have to wait for C3 if the idea is supported.)

    The ability to tag and/or color instance variables would be very helpful, especially if you've got teammates working on levels that aren't familiar with all of them. Some examples...

    Editor: These are variables that can be freely modified in the layout editor, like the contents of a treasure chest or the item a particular enemy instance should drop.

    Private: "Internal" variables that are only modified via events and should not be touched in the layout editor.

    Family: These variables are inherited by a family and are not unique to this object. (These should be automatically separated from the rest, really)

    States: These variables control the object's states or mechanics like Attacking, Climbing, Dashing, etc.

    Stats: These variables define the object's stats, like HP, MP, ATK, DEF, etc.

    Currently you can add prefixes or whatever to help define the variables, like E_Contents, Private_Timer, Mech_Jumping, etc. but that can get messy and make expressions really long or hard to read.

  • Mh. Yeah, creating a 3rd family specifically for using "Recreate Initial Objects" works, I just wanted to avoid it because that's a lot of objects to account for. Easier to just recreate all the families so nothing gets missed.

  • Ashley This isn't necessarily a bug as much as a design issue/possible oversight, so I'll post here.

    I have an object that is in both "Family A" and "Family B". Since I use "Recreate Initial Objects" on both families, my object is recreated twice. Is there any way this can be fixed? I don't think there's anything I can do on my end with events..

  • Change the sampling to "point" in the project properties.

  • Prominent There we go! Simple but effective. I had considered writing my own jump that overrides the platform behavior's but feared it would mess with it too much. Didn't think about just using the existing y vector / gravity...derp.

    btw it looks like the y positioning and rounding isn't necessary - just modifying vy and the y vector seems to do the trick.

    Thanks all.

  • GenkiGenga Thanks for the .capx but that has the same problem as Asmodean's - The player hovers for an undetermined or fixed amount of time instead of for the remainder of the jump.

    Also worth noting that if the player is jumping while moving, hits a ceiling, and then moves past the ceiling, the jump will continue upwards (provided he's not at the falling end of the complete jump arc).

    I think the only way to properly do this is to modify the platform behavior or make a whole new jump mechanic with events :T hmm..

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