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  • You might want to check out the persist behavior.

    I've used both Clickteam and Scirra software extensively for years and the truth is both engines are better than the other in different ways. Also, both of their successors are coming out soon so there's little point in debating which is better than the other (the answer is "it depends on your project and skill set", anyway).

    As of this moment, C2 is the better option because it's easier to pick up and your game can be moved right on over to C3 once it launches since it's just a new editor.

    Fusion 3 on the other hand is a complete rewrite so anything you do in Fusion 2.5 will have to be remade in it (they are providing a F2.5 > F3 converter, but it will be limited.) It's also got a higher learning curve so by the time you really get the hang of it Fusion 3 will be out and you will have completely wasted your time lol.

  • I never thought anyone would export regularly, you do all your testing from C2's preview mode then you export once for publishing, right?

    Well there's also exporting to share with teammates who aren't going to blow $130 on a license just to play / test the game they're working on...same for sharing with friends.

    Also there are sometimes discrepancies between preview and exported builds (95% of the time it's 3rd party plugins...) so it's good to test them out every now and then.

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  • Tom Can you please require store items to list any 3rd party plugins they use?

    I just bought a template from the store that requires eight 3rd party plugins & behaviors, which is kind of ridiculous. I tend to avoid 3rd party plugins wherever possible as they are often unreliable. In retrospect I could have checked the included files beforehand, but another template I got didn't even include the plugins nor provide links; I just opened the .capx and was bombarded with a list of missing stuff. Fortunately the first one was dirt cheap, but the latter not so much...

    So, yeah, it would be nice to know if items on the store use them or not.

  • Not shooting this down but you could just use "translucent inactive layers" - this automatically locks inactive layers so you won't have to bother with em.

    Hopefully we'll see some improvements to layers in C3. Layer groups, importing layers from other layouts, modifying multiple layers at once, etc. Also replace global layers with object groups...having a bunch of extra layers just for menus and stuff sucks.

  • Yeah by the time level = 1 the start of layout checks are already finished. You can replace "Start of layout" in event sheet 2 with "Trigger Once".

  • Making the tilemap center-oriented and fixing the shift+rightclick pickup feature would probably be better. This way you can just expand the tilemap as needed and pickup/reposition large chunks of tiles wherever you want. Yet another thing I don't see happening until C3 though.


    Ew. It's almost 2017 man full gamepad support should be a given by now.

    Anyway I haven't heard of this problem until now. Maybe something to do with drivers?

  • It just gives you more control. You probably won't know the exact dimensions of your level or room when you first start, and you might not like the rectangular shape or top-left orientation, so unbounded scrolling lets you change that. Personally, I like to set the bounds myself with 9-patches and a custom camera. This lets me build any kind of level I want, with any combination of shapes, in any orientation, and all I have to do is drag some objects around.

  • Hard to say. My laptop (PCIe SSD) boots in 3 seconds and takes 4 seconds to preview Copy Girl. My desktop (Samsung 850 Evo) boots in around 15 seconds and takes 5 seconds to preview Copy the PCIe is much faster but only helps preview by about 1 second. That's not accounting for the rest of the machine though. My desktop's CPU is much faster so maybe that has something to do with it.

    Also, that's a slightly older PCIe SSD. A brand new desktop PCI SSD could be faster but you're talking at least $400. Also I've heard they have some issues if used as a boot drive, but I don't remember the details. Last I looked into them was almost 2 years ago.

    Some of my older projects take 15+ seconds to preview on either machine so I'm also wondering how I can improve that. I was just talking about it in another thread, but C3's in-editor spritesheeting might be the only thing to really make a difference here.

  • Where did he confirm that, was it inside a post on the forums? Please send me a link if possible, that's sounds great.

    In these threads Ashley talks about in-editor spritesheeting being a goal for C3, and it requiring architectural changes that won't happen in C2. This was all regarding preview times but it affects export as well.

    I don't mean to speak for him nor say this is the ultimate solution to faster export times, but to my knowledge this will help a lot and is probably all we can expect for a while.

  • Nobody knows what will happen with C3 and if we will see any major improvements.

    Judging by the current information we got, it doesn't look well for the exporting side of things.

    Anyway, I don't want this topic to turn into a discussion about C3 and it's possible features.

    Ashley confirmed in-editor spritesheeting for C3, which should boost preview & export times considerably.

    It's kinda hard not to mention C3 when it comes to new features and even improvements to existing features. C2's all light maintenance and bug fixes now.

    Also I made a very similar thread a long time ago. Ashley's response was just this.

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