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  • Same issue here. I bought today a c3 license and following the tutorial to export c2 using c3 WOOW not working!

  • Hi everyone,

    I have started to use C2 about 2 years ago. It was difficult at the begginig to me to get my apps working properly and showing apps, but once you get use to Intel XDK the things were more easy.

    What I find 2 years later and with the release of C3 is that the things for mobile developers are much harder now.

    We have to use Cordova command line to sign the apk,...

    If anyone have experience with Cordova I would like to ask:

    1.How do we add a splash screen?

    2.How do we add the logo in different sizes?

    3.How do we add plugins, for example Admob plugin?

    I ask these things, because before I knew how to do it, because it was integrated on Xdk, but now I´m quite lose.

    Thanks for help.

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  • Me parece correcto y lo tendré en cuenta a partir de ahora.

    He realizado una búsqueda para el término "escoger" y el buscador devuelve 7 resultados, y 20 para "elegir"

    Ya que tu has abierto el hilo, ¿quieres realiazar las correcciones?

    I agree with that and I will keep it in mind for future translations.

    I have made a research with the keyword "escoger" and we have 7 results and 20 with "elegir"

    You have opened this thread, so would you like to make the corrections?

  • Hola, es mi primer día ayudando a traducir al español. Por lo que veo en algunas entradas "tag" se ha dejado tal cual, pero en otros casos se ha traducido por "etiqueta".

    A mi me parece más correcto lo segundo, ya que a la hora de tener que traducir expresiones como "Set the tag for the shadow caster." sonaría muy raro decir"Establece el tag para el proyector de sombras".

    Cuando se dán estas duplicidades existe algún moderador del proyecto que se encarge de corregirlo?

  • XDK is no longer available. You have to try Phonegap, Coocons or cordova comand line.

  • I,m working on a original rol gamebook written by Noah Stevens, original designed to play with dices.

    This app version results on a mix of choose your own adventure gamebooks and rol.

    The character have to find the way to survive and run away of the Keep. He has Atributes as Strength, Constitution, Wisdom.... and Abailies as Magic Power, or Special Attacks, both of them are useful on combats and storyline.

    The game is going to be on Android version and windows first. But after this issues with XDK i´m going to wait to C3 exporter to release it.

    English and Spanish translations.

    You can take a look on the images.

  • As I love to use C2, I have to love this sofware because it´s the same.

    But my impression is negative. I am not waiting for big improvement since I read about "bounded corners" as a new feature.

    The start page as improve, and is more clear, but there is not to many new stuff in there.

    I was waiting for improvements anxiosly for improvements on audio objetct in c3, but there is nothing new about it.

    There are not new behaviors in this beta.

    As a developer I know that a minimal improvement have a lot of work behind it. But I was waiting for something more revolucionary on C3.

  • The tittle on spanish is: Las aventuras de Chuckle.

  • Should be!

  • I hope this come with official admob plugin for c3

  • So, I understand that it is already possible. But my point is that we always need to look for this kind of things in another websites or in our messy forum.

    Would be nice to have official info for this kind of things.

  • This is important for me as well...+1

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