BigKabeza's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone!

    I have a music app and I have added a button to record the audio using the method of the "Voice Recorder" example.

    In this way I can record the audio coming out from the speakers and also the voice of the user.

    This worked well in my old mobile. The quality of the audio recorded through the speakers it was not the best, but it was quite ok.

    I have bought a new mobile, and in this new device, the app records the voice well, but the audio coming for the speakers is very low and noisy.

    So, I would like to try a more elegant method to achieve this funcionallity. I know this is a topic that is around in the forums since long ago. But now, with the javascript funcionallity maybe somebody knows a better way to do this.

    So, my question is: Does anybody know how to record only the internal audio of the mobile without using the microphone? Using javascript or any other method.

    Thanks. :)

  • dop2000 You are a wizard!

    This is useful. Thanks! :)

  • I don´t have to copy and paste the old version in to the new.

    As soon as I unselect the layout to be global the overwritten layout has come back to show the proper content.

    So happy :)

  • OMG!

    I have checked and you are rigth!

    I had clicked on there.

    Now I have to come back to a previous saved version and replace the layout in the new version.

    Thank you so much for answering :)

  • Hi there!

    I have 2 layouts on my project: Intro and Game.

    After a long time working on the Game layout I have come back to the Intro Layout and sorprise!

    The Intro layout now looks exactly as the Game layout.

    If I place a object in any of the layouts it appear on the other layout aswell.

    I don´t understand what have happend. Do I missclick something in any menu?

    Any ideas about this?



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  • I used "Nox"

  • Hi there!

    Since I doing a test on implement Rewarded Ads on my app, in interested in this.

    Any update about that?

    Cheers! :)

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  • I will answer myself just in case anybody finds this topic interesting.

    -Is interstitial ready--> Use this one to compare with more conditions.

    -On interstitial ready--> Triggers true as soon as the interstitial is ready.

    Is quite basic, but I got confused.


  • Hi there!

    When showing ads with the Mobile Advert plugin, is there any difference between the command "Is interstitial loaded" and "is interstitial ready"?

    I´m asking because if the ad is loaded, it is supposed to be ready.

    Any advice on implementation?



  • Hi there, its time for some marketing. Here is my best app. (+100.000 installs)

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